Chapter 5: What You Deserve

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Hey guys! I just wanted to say thanks for all of the views, votes, and especially the comments. Y'all are funny 😂. But honestly I didn't know it would get this kind of reaction, so thanks everyone.

Author's POV:

    Jimin walked threw the door to see his husband sitting down on the couch with a bottle of beer in his hand.

    "Jiminie~ honey is that you?" Taehyung slurred his words.

    "Tae?" Jimin walked over to Taehyung seeing 6 empty bottles on the coffee table. "What the hell? Did you drink all of these?"

    "Jimin~ where have you been? I was starting to get..hiccup.. worried." Tae started to pout changing the subject. Jimin looked at the clock and was shocked. It was almost 10pm. He had been out with Jungkook for three hours.

"Where did the time go?" He whispered to himself. Then he snapped back to his senses when Tae pulled him down onto his lap and began kissing his neck. "Tae cut it out." He pushed him off and got up. "What are you even doing here? You're supposed to be at work." Jimin spoke a bit annoyed at this point.

"Didn't you get any of my calls or texts?" Jimin shook his head. He pulled out his phone and found out that it was dead this whole time.

"My phone was dead."

"Well I called to tell you that I took the time off to spend it with you, but when I got here you weren't here." Tae explained seemingly sobering up.

"You did?"

"Yes, of course I did." Taehyung smiled sweetly.

"Why do I find that so hard to believe?" Jimin said sarcastically putting his chin between his index finger and thumb pretending to think. Tae looked at him curiously. "Oh! Maybe it's because the last time you told me that you took off for me, I found out that you didn't at all. It turns out that the firm was going under some construction, and everyone was dismissed from work."

"Who told you that?" Tae gulped after he realized he was caught in a lie.

"When I called you the other day, your assistant picked up and tried to tell me you where out on lunch, but I couldn't hear her well because of the construction sounds in the background. I asked her about it, and that's how the conversation came up. She said you guys were told to go home that day for because of the construction work!" Jimin was shouting now because of his anger. He couldn't believe Tae had started lying to him now.

"Jimin look-"

"Save it Tae! I hope you got well aquatinted with that couch because that's where you're gonna be tonight. I don't want your beer stench filling up the bedroom." Tae tried to speak again, but Jimin was already upstairs and slamming the bedroom door by then.

That night Jimin lied down in bed and cried himself to sleep. He didn't know how he and Taehyung had gotten to this point. They never used to argue, nor more importantly lie to each other.

The next morning came, and Jimin got out of bed to start his morning routine. He looked in the mirror and noticed that his eyes were all puff and red from crying. He just ignored it hoping no one else would notice.

As soon as he was done getting dressed he went down stairs and saw that Tae already left for work. He rolled his eyes and continue on out the door to his job.

~(Time skip)~

Jimin was in the middle of teaching his first class when someone came in rushing through the door. Jimin turned from the board and saw Jungkook strutting over to his seat without a care in the world. This annoyed Jimin and he spoke up.

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