Chapter 40: What's to Come

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Well this story is taking waaaaay longer than expected. I was thinking about 20 or 30 chapters but we are now on 40! And there's still more to go. 👀 This chapter was supposed to be longer but I decided y'all have waited long enough so next chapter will be a continuation of this one. The good news is that I'm free from school forever. Welp until I start college. 😐

Author's POV:

Jin had been sitting in his cell staring up at the ceiling for five hours. All he could think about was his son. He heard his voice so he knew that he was safe, but he couldn't forget what Jungkook said.

    "Now that's a secret Hyung you'll find out sooner or later."

    What was the secret? What did he have planned? He knows that right after Namjoon took him back to his cell, he got a call saying they found Jimin, but something didn't feel right with Jin. His thoughts were interrupted but the clicking sound of shoes coming down the stairs. He turned his head in the direction of the sound. It was a cop he hadn't seen before within his couple of days being there.

    "Get up and come with me." The officer said in a dark tone. Jin gulped as he hesitantly got up and watched him undo the lock. Once the door was open the officer turned and started walking off. Jin took that as his cue to follow. He followed the man up the stairs and through a dark hallway that lead to the back of the station. Once they were outside of the building, Jin saw a big black SUV parked with two buff men standing on the outside of it. "It looks as if someone has bailed you out." The cop chuckled darkly.

    Jin didn't know what was going on. He thought maybe Jungkook arranged the whole thing. Maybe this was the secret. The plan. The big surprise. The taller of the two buff guys motioned Jin to come over. Jin reluctantly complied not knowing what would happen if he didn't. He made his way to the vehicle and got into the back seat. To his surprise, there was another big guy already inside. This all of a sudden didn't feel right but it wasn't like he could turn back now with the officer and these other big guys surrounding him. He got into the SUV sitting next to the man.

    His mouth got dry and his palms got sweaty as the tall buff guy got into the car as well making him be sandwiched between the two males. There was really no escape now. The third guy got into the drivers seat and pulled out of the lot. Jin looked back to see the station becoming smaller and smaller. He cowered down in his seat not knowing what's to come. After a few minutes of driving, the driver got a call.

    "Yes.... Yes sir we have him.... we are on our way there now.. yes sir." He removed the phone from his ear and handed it back towards Jin. "He wants to speak with you." Jin grab the phone with uncertainty and put it up to his ear.


    "Hey hyung. Guess what..It's sooner."

    "Jungkook? What are you talking about?"

    "Well you see hyung, I haven't really been totally honest with you."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I used to love you hyung. When I was younger, you were always there for me. Even when my parents ignored me, you made me feel loved. Even though you were just our maid, I looked at you like you were the older brother I've always wanted. So you could only imagine how I felt when you disappeared that day. No call, no note, no anything. You just left without a trace. You left me there with them."

    "Jungkook I-"

    "Just let me finish. After you left I still loved you and believed that you would come back one day, but you never did. I tried to ask my dad about what happened to you but every time I'd mention you he would shut me down. It even got to the point to where I guess I had bugged him too much about you and he.. he beat me. He told me to forget about you because you were never coming back. He told me how pathetic I was to miss you, a simple maid with no worth. It wasn't until that night when I found out the real reason you were gone." Jungkook's voice grew dark.

    "Jungkook please-"

    "Mom and dad had an argument... about you. Mom was yelling at dad because he couldn't find you. Supposedly you were pregnant with his child and was scheduled to have an abortion, but you never showed up to the appointment. You took the money they gave you for it and ran. I didn't want to believe it, so I didn't. I kept the perfect flawless image of you in my mind. It wasn't until I saw you again months later with a baby that that image came crumbling down."


    Jungkook's grand parents had moved him from Seoul to Busan to live with them since they found out about him ending up in the hospital after one of his father's beatings. He was with his grandmother at the store when he looked outside and saw the person he never thought he'd see again. Jin standing on the side walk across the street, holding a baby while talking to a big scary guy. Jungkook frowned when he saw the man grab a hold of Jin's free wrist pulling him somewhere. He dashed out of the store and ran after them completely ignoring his grandmother calling for him to come back. He followed them into an ally away from the wandering eyes of any bystanders. Once he caught up to them, he broke the mans hold on Jin taking both of them by surprise.

"Jungkook? What- how-"

"Jin hyung what's going on? Where have you been, and why do you have a baby?"

"Who's the kid Jin?" The scary guy frowned at Jungkook.

"H-he's just the kid I took care of at my last job. Jungkook what are doing here? Where are your parents? Are they here? Please don't say they are." Jin looked around eyes wide in fear.

"They're not here but-"

"Jin! Get rid of the kid and come on. The boss wants to see you. You know he doesn't like to be kept waiting."

"I know I know just give me a sec." Jin crouched down to the youngers level. "Jungkook I'm sorry but I have to go. I'm glad that I got to see you one last time. Oh and please don't tell your parents you saw me here." Jin went to get up but Jungkook grabbed onto his wrist before he could.

"Jin hyung please don't leave me again." His eyes welted up with tears causing Jin to do the same. Suddenly Jungkook's grandmother ran around the corner.

    "Jungkook sweetie you can't run off like tha-" She halted at the scene before her. "What's going on here?"

    "Grandma this is my Jin hyung. The one I told you about. Please tell him to come with us. Tell him not to leave again."

    "Jin! Let's go! Now!" The man grunted  completely annoyed.

"Jin is it? Honey you don't have to go with this man if you don't want to. Jungkook is right. You can come with us both of you." Jungkook's grandmother smiled referring to Jin and the baby peacefully sleeping in his arms.

"JIN!" The man growled once again. Jin didn't know what to do or where to go, but what ever it was he'd have to do what's best for Yungjin.

"I'm coming! Just wait a minute! Ma'am could you come here for a moment." The elder lady complied. "Can you please take my baby with you?" She nodded and he handed a baby Yungjin over to her waking him up from his nap. As soon as the baby left Jin's arms the child started whining. "Baby it's ok. Appa will be back. Thank you so much ma'am. Here's my number if you have any questions." He handed her a piece of paper and turned to leave.

"Wait what about you hyung?" Jungkook asked with a face full of pity.

"Don't worry about me Kookie. I'll be fine. I promise." Jin gave him a sad smile.

"You also promised you'd never leave me." Jin let out a sigh as he looked the younger in the eyes.

    "I'll be back Jungkook. In the meantime look after Yungjin for me please." Jin stood up and left with the man leaving Jungkook and his grandmother concerned with what was to come.


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