Chapter 6: Reported

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First I just want to say thank you guys for 2k views!!! Like that is amazingly incredible 😄😄😄, and also EUPHORIA... enough said.

Author's POV:

The next day, Jimin was still upset about the incident with Jungkook, but he had to shake it off and be professional. He couldn't let his other students suffer because of one brat that won't take no for an answer. As he was walking down the hallways of the school, he bumped into someone.

"Sorry sorry-..oh, Jimin it's you."

" Good morning Hobi." Jimin greeted him with a smile. "That's my bad. I wasn't paying attention."

"No no its ok. Oh and by the way, where did you go yesterday. I stayed behind to know how the meeting went, but you never came back."

"Oh yeah uh.. sorry about that. I kind off stormed out afterwards."

"What do you mean? What happened?" Hobi looked at him curiously.

"Um well.." Jimin looked around noticing that there were students entering the hall as well. "Why don't we talk about it in my room?" Hobi nodded and Jimin latched on to his arm pulling him gently along to the classroom. Once they were behind closed doors, Jimin let go and Hobi sat on one of the student desk tops and spoke.

    "So~, what's the tea?" Hobi inquired excitedly.

   "Ha ha. The what?" Jimin tilted his head in confusion.

    "You know.. the tea, the information, the juicy stuff...what went down?"

    "I'm not sure what you are talking about." Hobi rolled his eyes.

    "Oh nevermind." He gave up. "Now what happened?"

    "Well I went into Principle Min's office and..."

"Oh Jimin. What brings you here this afternoon?" She said in a cheerful tone.

   "I wanted to talk to you about one of my students."

"Is someone causing you trouble?" She looked worried.

    "Um, yes actually."

    "Come in, have a seat, and tell me all about it."

    "It's Jeon Jungkook. H-he has been sexually harassing me." Jimin was looking down playing with the hem of his shirt.

    "Define what you mean by that?"

    "Well h-he um.. He first started verbally by telling me to sit on his lap, then-" Jimin thought about whether or not he should tell her about the dinner. It was highly inappropriate on his part. He should've never even agreed.

    "Then what?" Ms. Min was getting impatient.

"Then he kissed me." There was a moment of silence so Jimin looked up to see the principal's reaction. She stared at him blankly before speaking up.

"What did you do when he kissed you?" She asked in a monotone.

"Um.. I slapped him and told him not to do it again."

"And what did he do?" She leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

"He.. he kissed me again."

"When did this all occur?" She seemed to get less and less interested in the conversation.

    "The first kiss was yesterday and the second kiss was about 15 to 30 minuets ago."

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