Chapter 42: Doomsday

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"Jin? What about him? Is he alright-"

"He escaped."

Author's POV:

"What do you mean he escaped?" Jimin frowned.

    "That was one of the guys back at the station. He said he went in to do his normal rounds and when he stopped by Jin's cell, he wasn't there. They checked the security cameras but some of the tape was cut."

"Cell? You arrested him?"

"He was one of your captors. He held you there against your will. Of course I arrested him." Namjoon said as if it was obvious.

    "Do you think Jungkook is behind this?" Yoongi asked.

    "I'm more than positive that it's him." Namjoon reply gritting his teeth.

    "So what does this mean? What are we going to do now?" Jimin panicked.

    "'We' are not going to do anything. I'm gonna get two separate teams together. One to search for Jungkook and the other to go back to the station with me to figure out where Jin is."

    "What about Jihyun?" Jimin frowned.

    "If Jungkook is really after him, then he'll be where Jungkook is. In other words, if we find Jungkook we'll find him too."

"What if it's too late when you find them? What if-"

"Jimin if we sit here and continue to wonder 'what if' then we'd be wasting time that we could be using to find them. Now I'm going to round everyone up. Yoongi stay here with Jimin. Under no circumstances is he allowed to leave this house. If Jungkook contacts you, let me know immediately." He paused and looked at Jimin. "I mean it Jimin. Even if it's just the slightest thing as a-"

"Ok I get it. I'll tell you." Jimin sighed.

"I need you to promise me." Namjoon looked straight into his eyes.

"I promise." With that Namjoon sighed as he looked at Jimin and Yoongi once more as he really didn't want to leave, but he needed to find out what happened to Jin. There was something about him that Namjoon couldn't put his finger on. He just knew that Jin wasn't behind this. There was something deeper going on that got Jin involved. Jimin's statements confirmed his suspicions when he questioned him.

    Namjoon thought maybe he was in debt or being threatened by Jungkook. All in all he knew that Jin was a good guy and he didn't deserve to be in the middle of all of this and neither did Jimin. He was going to take this Jeon kid down even if it killed him. He soon left the younger two to rally his troops. Jimin and Yoongi watched as he told everyone his plans to split up. Once everyone was on board they took action. Namjoon instructed two officers to stay behind and look after Jimin and his family. Just like that they were gone.

"What now Mr. Kim?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know. I guess we just have to go inside and wait now. Where's principal Min by the way and does she know where you are?"

"Don't worry about it. She doesn't really care. She just puts up a front at school. She hasn't cared since my dad left."

"Oh come on she's your mother. I'm sure that's not tru-"

"Let's not get into it right now ok. There's already so much going on." Jimin just nodded respecting his wishes as they went back into the house.


Jihyun had just arrived at the address that was sent to him. Everything was quiet. A little too quiet. The place was huge. Way bigger than his own. He didn't know the guy was rich. He just thought he was some lowlife.

    He hid behind a tree to scope out his surroundings he saw that there were guards here and there but nothing too serious

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He hid behind a tree to scope out his surroundings he saw that there were guards here and there but nothing too serious. It made him wonder just what kind of guy he was dealing with. Who is he really? His thoughts were interrupted when he saw someone coming out of the building. It was the same guy he was looking for. The same one he came all this way to kill.

"Come on out Jihyun! I know you're here!"

"This brat! He knows I'm older than him yet he still choses to speak to me informally as if I'm the kid." Jihyun said to himself shaking his head. He grabbed the gun out of his belt and aimed it directly at Jungkook before stepping from behind the tree. Upon seeing the gun all of Jackson's men pulled out their weapons and aimed at Jihyun, but he didn't care. His focus was on one person only. The smirking man in front of him. Jungkook chuckle and held up his hand signaling the guards to put down their weapons, which they did hesitantly.

"So I see you made it safely. Tell me. How's Jimin doing? I know I just saw him, but every time we're apart it seems like an infinity."

"Oh save it. I know I said I'd come be apart of your sick make believe family but that was a lie. I'd rather die before I let you touch my brother again. I'm simply here to warn you one last time. Stay. Away. From us." There was a moment of silence before Jungkook burst into laughter.

    "I have to give it to you. You and Jimin are so cute when you act tough. It must run in your family." He continued laughing angering Jihyun even more.

    "This isn't a fucking joke you psycho! I mean it! Leave us alone!" Jungkook only stared at him with a creepy smile moving closer. "Stay back!" Jungkook sarcastically lifted his hands acting scared.

    "Oh are you gonna shoot me? Go ahead. I dare you." The younger was so close now that the gun was touching his forehead. "You're small too, just like your brother."

    "Shut up!" Jihyun's sweaty hands were shaking. He didn't want to be a murderer but he so badly wanted to put an end to his brothers suffering.

    "You look a lot like Jimin. It just reminds me of how beautiful he sounded earlier moaning my name as I banged my cock into him." Jungkook licked his lips.

    "I'm warning you!" Jihyun closed his eyes and put his finger on the trigger.

    "I get so hard just thinking about his sweet voice as he cried out loud begging me to st-"

    "STOP!" ~Click~

    Jihyun's eyes were still closed as he was harshly breathing in and out. He slowly opened them but when he did he saw no one in front of him. In that moment he felt a warm breath against his right ear.

    "Looks like someone left the safety on." The whispered words sent chills down the olders spine. Suddenly everything went dark.

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