Chapter 20: Safe

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I would just like to firstly apologize for this chapter. Thanks for all the support on this book. Luv ya. 😊

    "Jimin, this is my friend Namjoon. He's going to help you with your case."

Author's POV:

    "Hello. I'm sorry you have to meet me like this." Jimin bowed 45 degrees. He felt a bit embarrassed crying like that in front of a person he just met.

    "No it's no problem, and I'm happy to help." The all sat back down. Jimin and Hobi next to each other with Namjoon on the other side of them.

    "Namjoon is a detective. His problem solving abilities, high IQ, and eidetic memory are qualities that make him one of the best detectives around." Hobi praised him.

    "Oh come on, I'm not that great." Namjoon blushed.

"Lies. You're the best." Hobi insisted.

"Ok I'm the best, but the real main focus right now is Jimin. Now for me to help you at all, you have to tell me everything and not leave a single thing out." Jimin nodded as he told him everything from the beginning to the very recent messages he received. Namjoon was unfazed. Cases like these were a dime a dozen.

    "What should I do?" Jimin asked with pleading eyes.

"You need to protect yourself at all costs. It sounds to me like he's not joking. He'll come after you and even after the ones you love just to get what he wants. I've seen it happen too many times." Namjoon spoke with extreme seriousness. "Jimin. I'll catch him, but until I do, you need to get to safety. It's also best if you warn your husband if he's threatening him too."

"Ok. We'll do that. Thanks a lot Namjoon." Hobi's spoke standing up. He wanted to get home right away if Jimin was in this much danger.

"Yes. Thank you." Jimin added while standing up as well. Namjoon nodded in response.

"I'm going to go to that police station now, and try to figure out who the mole is. What they did to you Jimin was not right. In fact they broke a couple of federal laws. Don't worry I'll get to the bottom of it." Jimin smiled. He was really grateful for how determined Namjoon was to help. It made him feel better. It made him feel safe, which was all he wanted.

He and Hobi left shop. They walked there so the had to walk back. They walked in a comfortable silence each thinking on what Namjoon said, and as they were almost home, Jimin decided to call Taehyung. Tae had been calling him the past few days, but he was currently ignoring his calls. Jimin thought if he called him now he'd definitely pick up. Jimin waited after one ring, two, five, until...

     "I'm sorry. The person you are trying to reach is unavailable. Please try again later."


Jimin POV:

    'That's weird.' I thought. He has been calling me nonstop and now he won't pick up. I tried calling again, but the same thing happened. This was starting to worry me.

    "Hobi, I think something is wrong. Tae isn't answering." He turned to me like I broke his concentration.

    "I'm sure he's fine Jimin. Maybe he's showering or something." Hobi reasoned showing me a reassuring smile.

    "Yeah maybe. I'll just text him then." I nodded, pulling out my phone.


Hey. I need to talk to you. Call me.

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