Chapter 15: Consequences

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Jimin's POV:

    It seemed to be a long night with out any sleep. I spent the night tossing and turning. Ever since  he sent those texts, I kept feeling like I was being watched. I was also thinking about my fight with Tae and the things that Jungkook said.

I couldn't deny that some of it was true. Tae has been the only guy that I've been with, and I did just marry him because he was the only thing I new. I do love him though, and I still do. I just think some time apart might be good for us. The thought still hasn't left my mind on how Jungkook got all of that information. He has gone to far with stalking me, but this stops today.

    Upon entering the police station I saw a lady at the front desk typing on a computer.

"Excuse me, I would like to report some one." I spoke up to her.

"What are you reporting them for?" She asked in a monotone looking up from her computer. I took a deep breath thinking about all that he's done. It's kind of hard to say aloud. He's done so much too me.

"Sexual harassment, attempted assault, and stalking."

"And all of this was done to you?" She raised her brow.


"May I have your name?"

"Jimin, Kim Jimin."

"Ok, an officer will be right with you if you have a seat."

"Thank you."

It wasn't a long wait before my name was called, and an officer lead me to the back were there was an office. He gestured me to have a seat then spoke up.

"So you've come to report someone for sexual harassment, attempted sexual assault, and stalking. Am I right?" I nodded.

"Yes sir you are correct."

"What's the name of the offender?"

"Jeon Jungkook. He is one of my students. I work at-"

"Wait. Jeon Jungkook as in the son of district attorney Jeon Jungsuk?" He furrowed his brow.

    "Yes. Is there a problem?"

    "No not at all. Just tell me that happened begining to end without leaving anything out."


(Time Skip to school)

    After telling the officer everything, he told me that they would look over my case and get back to me. I'm just so excited that I'm finally going to get some help. In the mean time, I've got to get to my class. I've only got five minutes until the bell rings.

    As I walked up to unlock the door, I saw a piece of paper sticking from under it. I bent down to pick it up and was horrified by the image on it. I turned it over to read a note that was attached to the back of it.

"Dear Jiminie, all of your actions have consequences. I hope you'll learn from this not to disobey."

    Threw the picture away after viciously balling it up. I thought that was just the end of it and that Jungkook was just trying to scare me, but what I found out upon entering the room was the terrible truth that I was wrong. That picture was only one of hundreds.

    The image of what appeared as an unfaithful night was plastered on the walls, on my desk, covering the floor, everywhere. Panic set in as I knew I only had a few minutes to clean it all before for my students to arrive.

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