Chapter 35: He Wants Both

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This is hella long. I did not intend for this chapter to be this long but it's whatever now. I think we are getting close to the end though so... yay?

[Rewrite: I took the emojis out since y'all were having such a fit about it.😂😂Everything else is the same.]

    "What did happen? We need answers now." Mrs. Park was getting frustrated. Jimin had to come up with something quick before they caught on.

Author's POV:

    "That guy that Jihyun saw was my b-boyfriend. He was visiting me because he missed me. I didn't tell you guys before because I didn't want you to find out that Tae and I got a divorce." He explained surprising himself on how quickly he came up with that story.

    "Jimin hyung you're lying. I saw what he was doing to you-" Jihyun tried.

    "What you saw was nothing. I-It was just a little g-game we like to play that's all." Jimin wasn't even convincing himself at this point.

    "Ok then why did you tell me to run away before he'd hurt me, and why did he pull a gun out and threaten to kill me?" Jihyun squinted his eyes in suspicion.

    "A gun!?" Mr. and Mrs. Park asked in unison.

    "Yeah. That's what he hit me with to give me this cut." Jihyun explained getting a bit upset as he felt like he was reliving the moment.

    "It was a joke. Besides he didn't kill you. The gun was a fake. Look I'm tired can you guys please leave me alone?" Jimin asked desperately trying to end the conversation.

    "No not until you-"

    "Jihyun let's just let him be for now. We'll discuss it more in the morning." Mr. Park said as he left Jimin's side to help his wife help Jihyun up from the floor. They all left out of the room giving Jimin his space even though Jihyun protested.

    "Mom, Dad you guys weren't there. I'm telling you that guy-" Jihyun continued as he followed after his parents as the made there way back down stairs.

    "Jihyun calm down. We know he's lying. Jimin is a terrible liar." Mrs. Park said while walking into the kitchen, opening the freezer, and pulling out a pack of frozen peas for Jihyun's gash.

    "Wait what? Then why did we just leave? We need to find out what's going on." He exclaimed as he took the peas and put them on his cheek.

    "Jihyun if you know your brother then you would know that it's hard to get the truth out of him when he's in that state." Mrs. Park explained.

    "Yeah it's just like when those bullies were picking on him back in middle school. He wouldn't tell us anything then as well." Mr. Park chimed in.

    "In fact, I believe this guy you're talk about might have been the one who put him in the hospital. He might be too scared to say anything like he was with those bullies." Mrs. Park replied.

    "I think it actually might go deeper honey. Remember when he told us that he couldn't say anything and we wouldn't be able to help? This guy might be threatening him." Mr. Park frowned not happy with the idea of his theory being true.

    "So what do you guys suggest we do?" Jihyun wondered what his parents were planning.

    "First we cancel our reservation for tonight. We can't leave Jimin alone again. Then we have to take matters into our own hands by calling the police." Mrs. Park stated while looking at her husband for agreement which he quickly gave. Jihyun smiled knowing that it was for the best.

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