Chapter 23: Questions

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Hey~! I'm back in America. And back with another chapter. Thanks for your patience. 😊

Author's POV:

    "Please just...try"

"The last thing I remember clearly was being at work. I got a promotion. I was really excited until I realized what had to have happened if I got it. I rushed out of my office to call Jimin to warn him, but then..." Tae suddenly paused.

    "But then what?" Yoongi urged him to continue.


Knock Knock Knock

    The two flinched at the sudden sound and turned to the door. Then they turned back to each other as if they had the same thought. Considering the fact that there was a killer on the loose targeting Tae, they were hesitant to respond. After a moment of silence, Taehyung finally answered.

    "W-who is it?"

    "It's the police. We're here to ask you a few questions about you case." Tae let out a sigh of relief as did Yoongi.

    "Come in." The door opened revealing three officers, and Detective Namjoon, who had just returned from the station after chewing everyone out for the way they treated Jimin.



    "What kind of place are you running here? It's so unorganized, not to mention the fact that you didn't mirandize him or give him any of his basic rights!" Namjoon shouted at the cops who arrested Jimin before.


    "Detective." Namjoon stated.

    "Sorry. Detective we were only doing what the chief ordered. We were confused by his tactics as well, but we can't necessarily question him. He's our boss." The officer on the left spoke.

    "Well where is he. I would like to have a word with him."

    "He's not here. He went on vacation with his family for two weeks. It was apart of the promotion he just received." The other on the right replied.

    "Well how convenient." Namjoon scoffed. Just then the phone started to ring. The officer on the right motioned towards it, but Namjoon answered it before he could.

    "Detective Kim speaking. Yes... Yes.. I see. Thank you. I'll be right there."

    "What's going on?" The officer on the left asked.

    "It's none of your concern anymore. Me and my crew will be taking over this station and this case until further notice. Trust me when I say that I'm going to find the corrupted mole and put him up for good." Namjoon stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

    He made his way over to a crime seen that was just reported not to long ago by a couple. According to the phone call he just received, there had been a murder and an attempted one. He knew nothing about the victims until he got there. His heart stopped when he looked  at the body being hoisted up onto the gurney.

    "H-Hobi? N-no.. no it can't be." A tear started to form in his eye but he had to quickly pull himself together. He needed to find out what happened before he jumped to assumptions, even though he could take a good guess. "What happened here?" He asked one of the first responding officers.

    "A couple decided to take a shortcut home and happened upon this warehouse. The said they heard groans and moans of pain echoing from inside, so they called us. It's a good thing they did or we wouldn't have been able to save that mans life." The officer said pointing to Tae who was still unconscious. "As for the other.. we were too late."

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