Chapter 32: Decisions

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It feels like it's been forever. I'm surprised no one said update. But
so here's an update for you. I'm sorry it's so short. I didn't have time to write a full chapter. The next one will be longer I promise. Also 💯k!!!! That's awesome. Thanks to everyone who reads and comments. I read every single one.

    "Jimin. You checked him into this hospital. Are you his friend or what?"

    "Y-Yes I'm his..friend."

    "Ok then, can you tell me who raped him?"

    "W-Who what?!"

Author's POV:

"The doctor said that he was raped pretty recently. Don't worry. Jimin did say that it wasn't you, but he also refused to tell him who it was. Do you um.. I'm sorry I didn't get your name."

    "I-it's Jin. My name is Jin."

    "Ok Jin. Do you have any idea of who it might have been?" Jin didn't know what to say. It was obvious who did it. He just couldn't understand why he didn't figure it out sooner. It was happening right under his nose. He started to wander what else Jungkook lied about before he was pulled out of his thoughts by Namjoon calling his name.

"I-I don't know." Jin gulped. Namjoon squinted his eyes in suspicion. He always knew when someone was lying. It was another thing that made him a great detective.

    "Ok then can you tell me where or how you found him in that state?" Namjoon questioned further hoping to gain more information. He could sense that Jin was hiding something.

    "Look detective I have to go." Jin began walking away hastily.

    "Why are you leaving so soon? You were so determined on finding Jimin a minute ago. What changed?" Namjoon spoke in an accusatory tone as he chased after the older.

    "I just realize that I have to go pick up my son from daycare. Jimin is my friend, but my son is more important." Going unnoticed by Namjoon, he meant that in more ways than one. "Besides, you're here now. You could probably help Jimin more than I could." Jin made it to the door but was stopped by two more officers that walked in blocking his way.

"I'm sorry Jin, but it looks like you're going to have to arrange for someone else to get him." The detective spoke in a very serious tone.

    "What? Why?" Jin frowned.

    "You're withholding valuable information to a case. That is against the law. Unless you cooperate and tell us everything you know, we'll have to arrest you."

"No! That's not fair! I have a right to remain silent! I don't have to tell you anything!"

"You are right. That is your choice, but what you choose does come with a price. So I'll ask again. Are you choosing to stay silent or will you cooperate?" Namjoon folded his arms as he waited on a response. Jin on the other hand was torn. If he tells he'll lose his son, but if he doesn't in a way he'll still lose his son because he won't be able to be with him while in jail.

"I..I'm.....I can't say anything." Jin broke down crying again. To say it didn't hurt Namjoon to see this would be a lie. He hardly knew this man in tears before him, but for some reason he really wanted him to cooperate so that he wouldn't have to do what he has to do now.

"Then I'm afraid that you are under arrest for withholding valuable information to a crime. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney-," The officers grabbed Jin by his arms and cuffed him as the rest of the people in the hospital lobby watched curious to what was going on. Jin went along silently as he felt as if he made the best decision he could.

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