Chapter 44: He Wins

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So I just realized that I've been writing this book for 2 fucking years 😦 wtf.

Author's POV:

"Where's Mrs. Jeon?"

"She's on a spa retreat. She won't be back until the end of this month. It's just you, me and our son."

"He's my son. Last time I checked you wanted nothing to do with him. In fact you wanted him dead."

"No, my wife wanted him dead. She said he'd be a constant reminder of my infidelity. In fact I'm glad you didn't abort him. He looks so much like Jungkook at that age. I look at him and I can see that this is my second chance to get everything right. Jungkook is damaged goods. There's no going back with him, but Yungjin is a fresh start. I talked with him for a while before you arrived and he's perfect. The perfect child. The perfect heir." Junsuk said.

    "Heir? Oh no no no no! My son is not going to be forced into your business. That's why Jungkook is so fucked up now. There's no way in hell I'd let you be a father to my son after the way you've fathered Jungkook. Actually, I wouldn't even call that fathering. It was more so abusing. I'm not letting you touch him."

"You can fight this all you want Jin, but you of all people should know that I always get what I want. I still remember those nights sneaking into your room. You tried to fight me off then too, but it never worked."

"Don't. I'm not that defenseless 16-year-old child anymore. You can't manipulate me anymore. Not you nor your son. He's just like you ya know. Preying on the innocent. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"He is not my son. Not anymore. He left me high and dry but at least I got you out of it. You were supposed to come back to me Jinnie. You knew I loved you. After you left I became bitter, and I took it out on my family. Not anymore. Now that you're back, you and Yungjin can be my family. I promise I'm going to get rid of my wife and we can be together just like we planned before."

"No! That's what you planned! I don't want to be with you. I never did. That's why I never came back. You were using me then and you're still trying to do it now. Well, not anymore. Never again." Jin frowned.

"Wow, I see that you have changed, but my plans for us are still intact." Mr. Jeon and Jin stared intensely at one another neither wanting to back down. All of a sudden the phone rang breaking their gaze. Mr Jeon got up and answered the call. "Is it done? ..Great. What's the story? ..Drowned? I guess that's pretty believable. Thanks again you'll receive full payment once the body is found."

"Body? What body?" Jin said to himself as the latter hung up the phone.

"Great news. The first part of my plan for us is complete. My wife is out of the picture.. for good."


    Namjoon is currently in the station questioning the officers he left behind when he went to Busan. Everyone was saying the same thing. No one knew what happened to Kim Seokjin or to the officer on his watch. They were all busy doing other things.

    "This is bullshit! So all of you are telling me that not one of you out this whole entire department saw an officer or a prisoner leave?!Not only that but there isn't anyone who spotted that the back door cameras were tampered with? You call yourselves cops, but you just let prisoners waltz in and out of here as they please? That officer that was on Jin's guard is missing. He could be dead for all we know. I mean what do you even have to say to for yourselves?"

    The entire precinct was quiet. Not one man or woman uttered a single word. They could tell that Namjoon was pissed and he had a right to be. They had failed miserably at their jobs. Suddenly a woman in a grey pantsuit walked in. Everyone's attention was directed towards her. She could feel the thick tension in the air, but what she had to say was more important.

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