Chapter 28: Hope

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    "I know who murdered Jung Hoseok."

Author's POV:

    Namjoon looked at him in shock. He didn't know that Yoongi had anything to with this considering the fact that Jimin left out the parts about him and Hobi. It was a crime after all.

"How? Who? What do you know?"

"I think that it was my best friend, Jungkook." Namjoon wasn't surprised to here the name. He was already the lead suspect considering what Jimin told him before. The reason why he hasn't searched for or arrested him yet was because he still needed hard evidence. Maybe this was his chance to get another witness besides Tae.

"Tell me what you know." Yoongi preceded to tell him about everything from the bet between him and Jungkook to the date he and Hobi were supposed to have. "So you never saw how Jungkook was or treated Jimin first hand?"

"No, but I did see a picture. It was the one I had to erase from Hobi hyung's phone. It did look pretty bad, but he told me that Mr. Kim was into it, so I chose to believe him. I never thought my best friend would lie to me."

"Well what changed your mind? Why do you think he lied now?"

"I remembered something that Hobi said to me before.. y'know. It was like he was warning me. I think that he was the only who actually knew what Kook was doing first hand. Therefore he was a threat."

"I agree, but do you think Jungkook would really kill him over something like this?" Namjoon was still a bit skeptical about Yoongi. He was Jungkook's best friend after all.

"Jungkook has problems. Mental problems. I noticed the signs resurfacing, but I just brushed it off. He had been doing so well, and I didn't want to push him. I see now that I should have read more into it. Something like this has happened before."

"What do you mean?"

"Jungkook has this sort of obsession with creating the perfect family he wants. He hates his own family so he wants a new one. He's done it once to a fellow student of ours. She went by the name IU. She was nice and kind to him like Mr. Kim. The only difference is that he never went this far with her. Yeah he stalked her and even tried to rape her, but once he got on his medication he forgot all about her. It helped that she moved as well, but ever since Mr. Kim has arrived it's like he regressed back to that old person he was but 10 times worse. He even told me that he thinks Mr. Kim is the one he wants a family with."

"How can he have a family with another man?"

"That's what I thought when he said it, but then he explained that Mr. Kim is one of those rare men who can have kids. Frankly I think that's when his obsession with him grew even more. I don't even think his medicine will stop him now."

    "How did he know that?"

    "He told me that Mr. Kim told him, since they were 'having sex', but I bet he just stalked him and his past and found out.

"This is all coming together now. I only had Jimin and Tae's side of the story, but now that I have your side too I can build a case. Maybe I can even find this IU girl and get her to testify against him."

"Wait. You talked to my teacher? He told you about Jungkook?" Yoongi's eyes grew wide.

"Yes, I talked to him on the day your other teacher was murdered."

"They were together?"

"Yes and I instructed them to get home as soon as possible after they told me about Jungkook, but it seems as if Jungkook lured them to that warehouse by using Taehyung. Tae said two men kidnapped him as he was leaving work. They threatened him to divorce Jimin. When he refused, the beat him until he sign the papers. Even after he signed he was still beaten half dead and unconscious. I guess after that Jungkook brought him to that warehouse."

"So if they were all there, then where is Mr. Kim and Jungkook?"

    "The first responders said that there were three pairs of foot prints entering the building, but only one pair coming out. My theory is that Jungkook carried Taehyung in and tied him up then messaged Jimin to come save him pulling him right into his trap. I believe that Jungkook is smart, and that he knew Jimin wouldn't come alone so he was prepared. Once they got there he tried to take Jimin, but Hobi stood in the way. That's when he killed him and abducted Jimin."

    "You got all of that from minor details?"

    "It's my job. It's what I do."

    "So why are you still sitting here on your ass! Arrest him! Mr. Kim hasn't even been reported missing yet!"

    "Calm down Yoongi. It's a strategy we are using. Kidnappers usually check the news to see if we are onto them. Therefore we give the press as little information as possible so that we can close in on the suspect. Right now we still don't know were they are, and I couldn't get a warrant to search his house until I got another witness. Now that I have one, we can start investing more into it and hopefully find them."

    "I bet I know where he is, and I'll help you find him." Yoongi smirked. Little did Namjoon know, he was already plotting his revenge.


"No problem. First things first let's get you u-AHH! OH MY GOD!" Jin pulled off the cover to see a horrifying sight.

Jimin's POV:

I looked down and my entire lower half was covered in blood. I looked back up at Jin, who looked like he was going to have a panic attack.

"J-Jimin? Wha-"

"I-I can explain."

"Who did this?" My heart raced as I thought back to what Jungkook told me before he left.

    "I'm serious Jimin. You better hope that he doesn't find out."

    "I did it." He frowned in confusion. "I cut myself on my thighs because I felt depressed, and I guess I cut a bit to deep." I wasn't sure he'd believe that, but then his eyes saddened as he sighed.

    "Awe Jiminie. You can't do this to yourself. If you start feeling this bad again just talk to me or Jungkook. We'll help you through it." If only he knew Jungkook was the one who caused it. I mentally rolled my eyes. "I'm going to find you some pants, and then I'm taking you to the hospital." I nodded as he rushed over to the closet.

We got into his car and I couldn't have felt more free. I don't know how long it's been since I've been out side. I know it hasn't been very long, but it feels like forever. As he was driving, I noticed that this area looked familiar. Almost like.. no. It can't be.

"Jin where are we?"

"In my car?" He furrowed his brow as he chuckled.

"No I mean where in Korea are we?"

"Busan." My breath hitched as my eyes widened. Busan. We're in Busan. My home town. When did we even get here? Did Jungkook knock me out long enough to fly me from Seoul to Busan?

    Maybe this is my ticket. This is my chance. I can call my parents. Of course I'll get an 'I told you so'. They didn't want me to leave Busan in the first place, but I'll take all of the 'Told you so's' over Jungkook any day. Besides, he can't possibly find me there. I'll finally be free of him.

    Once we made it inside the hospital, I was treated immediately. They assigned me to a room saying that I needed to stay over night due to the amount of blood loss. Soon it was only me and Jin hyung sitting in the room.

    "I'm going to call Jungkook and le-"

    "No!" I yelled catching Jin hyung off guard. "I mean no. Please. I don't want him to know that I started cutting again. He has been so proud of me. I don't want to disappoint him." Oh my gosh I'm such a bad liar, but hyung seems to be eating up every word that I'm saying. No wonder Jungkook choose him to be around. He's so easy to manipulate.

    "Ok I won't tell, but you need someone to stay here with you. I can't.

"Hyung? Can I borrow your phone? I know just who to call."

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