Chapter 48: Back Stabber

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Online classes have been kicking my BEhind 😑.

    The older was in shock as he pushed Jungkook's unconscious body off of him. He looked up surprised yet happy to see the man before him.

~(Earlier that day)~

Yoongi's POV:

I groaned in my sleep as I felt an urge. My eyes fluttered open and I looked at the clock on the nightstand next to me. It said 5:10 am and I'm instantly annoyed. I fucking hate my bladder for making me get up at a time like this. I rolled out of the bed and tried to remember where the bathroom was. Once I exit the room, I see lights on down stairs.

    "Great." I say to myself. "Whoever's down there can point me in the direction of the toilet." I quietly walk down not wanting to wake anyone else up. Once I reached near then end, I heard two people talking. I moved faster to make my presence known since I didn't want to intrude or eavesdrop on a private moment. But it was too late.

"Hyung? Are you sure about this? I mean there's got to be another way. One where you and Mark can be safe." That sounds like Mr. Kim's brother. When did he get back and what is he talking about?

"Yeah maybe there is, but no matter what, somebody's going to get hurt. That's how he operates. What if it's you, mom, or dad? I can't keep putting other people in harms way for my sake. That hurts worse than anything he could ever do to me."

"Jimin hyung, I can't help but feel like a terrible brother if I just let you do this. I can't let you walk directly into the arms of that nightmare disguised as a teenage boy." I gasped as I realized they were talking about Jungkook.

"There's no other way! You're not stopping me. You could either help me or leave, but you're not stopping me."

"I'll help you, but I'll never give up on you even if you've given up yourself. He can take you, but he can't have you. As soon as he lets his guard down, I'm getting you out of there.. for good." Oh shit. He's actually going to give himself away? Just like that? I thought he was just ranting last night. I didn't mean what I said. He can't go be with that psycho.

    But what can I do? He's already made up his mind. I frown as I tried to think of something. Then I got the perfect idea, but I need to do this carefully or else it'll all go to shit.

    "Don't worry Hobi hyung. This bastard is gonna get what he deserves." I waited for both brothers to leave my sight before I grabbed some protection putting it in my back pocket.


    I roll around and try to get comfortable, but Mr. Park's brother keeps hitting bumps in the road. Damn it. Why did I hide in the trunk of all places? I should've at least grabbed a pillow or- Shit! Another damn bump? Doesn't he know how to drive? I roll my eyes and tried to get comfortable again, but then I hear them arguing.

"Jimin hyung? Are you really sure about this?"

"Jihyun you've asked me that same question a million times."

"And I'll keep asking until you're answer changes."

"Well save your breath because I'm doing this. I am going to end all of this pain and suffering now." Why can't he understand that if he does this it'll only be the beginning of even more pain and suffering?

"You think this will be over once you give yourself to him? Hyung, it'll only be the beginning. Once he figures out why you're doing this, he'll us it to control yo-"

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