Chapter 18: Deal or No Deal

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😂😂 My mochi is sooo cute in that picture... GOSH I LOVE HIIIIMMMM 😭😭😭.

Jimin's POV:

    It's been seven hours since the locked me up in this cell. At first I shouted and banged against the bars, but soon realize that no one was coming. They didn't even give me a chance to call someone either. Lying down on this cold hard bench located on the farthest wall of the cell, I finally got a chance to get over the initial shock and think about all that happened.

    I've concluded that something is very wrong with this whole system. I don't know much about the law or my rights, mainly because I never thought that I would be in a situation like this, but I still know that they can't hold me like this. They can't treat me like this. Where's my lawyer? Where's my one phone call? I watch enough tv to know about that at least.

    My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of footsteps heading in my direction. I jump up and ran to the bars peeking my head out in between them.

    "Hello?" I called out as I saw the silhouette of a mans shadow in the hall. As he walked in revealing himself, my heart stopped. "M-Mr. Jeon?"


(Earlier that day)

Hobi's POV:

    I walked into my class full of chattering kids. I normally ignore them, but today I heard something out of the ordinary that sparked my interest.

    "Yes. He was arrested right here on school grounds." One of my students spoke.

     "Gosh. I wonder what he did." The girl next to her replied.

    "Maybe he had drugs or something."

    "Or maybe-"

    "Hey, what are you girls chatting about?" I interrupted getting a bit curious myself.

    "Mr. Kim from next door was arrested this morning."

    "What?! Why?!" I shouted with that being the last thing I expected to hear.

    "We don't know. He was just escorted off the premises by cops."

    "Well maybe he wasn't arrested. Maybe he had to talk to them about something." I tried to reason.

   "Then why was he in hand cuffs?" She frowned.

    "I..I don't know. Let's just get to work. No more talking about it. It's a distraction." I proceeded to teach my lesson on the history of dance, but I couldn't help but worry about Jimin. When the lesson was over, I gave my students some free time. It was more for me to think about a way to help Jimin.

I gasped in audibly as a thought came to my mind. Why didn't I think of him earlier. He could have helped us from the start, and he does owe me a favor. I made a mental note to call him on my next break.


Jungkook's POV:

I skipped school today obviously because of the bruises. I have to say that my dad never fails to amaze me at how he always found the right time to punish me. It is the week before spring break. Therefore no one would question me if I were out of school for long or question me out the bruises if I did go. By the time school would start back up, all of the bruises would be gone. He's really good at saving his ass and his image.

It's 10am and I'm still in bed. I would leave, but I don't want to suffer through another beating. I'm still sore from last night. I don't even want to recall what he put me through. In the mist of my thinking, I heard steps coming towards my door. I stiffen up as my dad bursts in.

"It's done." He spoke in a monotone.

"What's done?" I croaked out as I sat up trying not to wince. If I did that it would piss my dad off more. He already thinks I'm a wimp for crying last night.

"That teacher of yours. They arrested him this morning." He smirked

"What?! Why?! He did nothing wrong."

"It's either you or him, and you know that I'm not going to let you lose this."

"Right, because you want me to take over your stupid company."


I reached my hand up to massage my already bruised cheek while glaring at him.

"Watch you're tone with me. I'm going through all of this trouble doing you a favor. Now if this goes to trail, which is the worst case scenario, you will go up into that court room a say exactly what I tell you. Do you understand?" He clenched his jaw.

"Y-yes sir." I cursed myself for stuttering. Why must I be so weak against him? I hate it.

"Good. Now get up and go eat breakfast before your mother chews my ear off about it." I nodded and made my way down the stairs. It looks like I'm going to have to go through with my plan a little earlier than what I expected.


Author's POV:

"M-Mr. Jeon?" Jimin squeaked. He didn't expect him to come or even get involved, but then again it would be strange if he didn't because Jungkook is his son.

"Well well well. I didn't expect to see you. I had only just found out about you being one of my son's teachers, but to find out that you're the one behind this little scheme. It's a shame. I really liked you upon our first meeting, and now looking at you again I can see why my son fancies you." Mr. Jeon smirked as he looked Jimin up and down. Jimin on the other hand felt uncomfortable under his gaze. It was much like Jungkook's considering the fact that the look alike.

"What a-are you doing here?" Jimin asked still a bit confused.

"I'm here to offer you a deal." Jimin furrowed his brow. "You can continue on with this little charade and take us to court where you will most definitely lose, or you can drop the charges and go free pretending none of this ever happened." He stated in a patronizing almost mocking tone.

This only angered Jimin. How could he just forget everything thing? This isn't just about him. Even if Jungkook will stop there's no guarantee that he won't do it again to someone else, and then again who says he'll stop chasing Jimin? What if he still continues to come for him even after this whole thing?

"I'm sorry but I'm not backing down. Do you know how many sleepless nights I've had being scared that your son might break into my house and rape me? All the nightmares I've had of him coming in and stealing me away? Now I know that your family isn't used to rejection, but I'm taking him to court, and I won't rest until your son is behind bars." Jimin didn't know where that burst of courage came from, but he was glad it did.

"Y'know for a teacher, I pegged you to be smarter than this. Very well have it your way, but I'll tell you right now that you'll regret this." Jimin rolled his eyes in response as Mr. Jeon turned to corner and left. Not even a few moments later, another pair of footsteps trailed his way.

"Kim Jimin you are free to go... for now." A policeman spoke.

"Really?! Why? I mean I'm glad but why? How?" Jimin smiled in excitement.

"Someone bailed you out." The officer sighed.

"What?! Who?"


Who do you think bailed him out? 🤔

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