Chapter 17: Image

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Jungkook's POV:

I lied on the floor with blood oozing from my mouth. My entire body ached from the lashes on my back.

"You're such a fucking disappointment!" He kicked my ribs causing me to cough uncontrollably. "Now go to your room, and don't come out until I tell you to." He spat in my face. I struggled to get to my feet as the pain was unbearable. He hadn't beaten me this bad in a while.

    I managed to ignore the pain long enough to make it to my room. I hate living in this family. I hate being in this house. I hate having to pretend that I'm ok, when I'm really not. I hate the image that I have to uphold. I lied down on my side facing my night stand. Those pills were starting right back at me.

    Those pills are for crazy people, and I'm not crazy. I just want love. I grabbed them and forcefully threw them in the trash. After I lied back down, I pulled up a picture of Jimin on my phone. He's so beautiful. He's gonna be mine.

    "Don't worry Jiminie. I'm gonna save us both. We'll be together soon. I love you." I said while caressing his lips with my thumb.


(Time Skip to the next morning)

Author's POV:

    Jimin was handing out the music exam to his class when there was a knock on the door. He went over to open it finding two police officers at the door.

    "You all get started. I'll be right back." He addressed the class before walking out, shutting the door behind him. "Why are you here? Is there something wrong with my case?" Jimin furrowed his brow in confusion. 'Why would they show up at my job? It has to be important if they have.' He thought.

    "Sir we are going to need you to come with us." They began cuffing him, and he started to struggle while looking at them in disbelief.

    "Hey what's going on?!" They didn't answer. "Are the cuffs really necessary?!" He frowned.

    "Yes sir they are." He was dragged out by the officers, earning some curious looks from students who were still in the hall. He felt embarrassed of what people would think. He isn't the one who was wrong. This is going to definitely taint his image at this school. They shoved him into the back of the car like he was a criminal, and pulled off. Jimin huffed in frustration.

"Can one of you please tell me what the fuck is going on?!"

"You're wanted at the station." The cop on the passenger side answered.

"You could have just told me that! I would have happily gone with you! Why did you have to drag me out like that in front of everyone!" He shouted.

"Sir please calm down. We were just doing our jobs." The cop driving replied.

"No I will not calm down! Especially after you did that without a valid reason, and just saying I'm needed isn't enough. I'm the victim here!"

"As he said we're just doing our job. You can take it up with our boss. He's the one who sent us only stating that you were needed. If we knew more, we would say more." The passengers side cop tried reasoning. Jimin just stayed silent the rest of the ride. When the arrived, the officers got him out of the car and brought him to an interrogation room.

"In case you haven't eaten yet, there are some leftover cookies we had the other day." The officer referred to hard, crusted, old looking cookies that sat at the corner of the table. Jimin looked at the cookies then back at the officer.

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