Chapter 50: It's only begun (Final Chapter)

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So do y'all remember a while back when we had that RED or BLUE poll. This is the BLUE ending.

Author's POV:

   Jungkook is currently sitting upright in his hospital bed struggling to eat his red jello. He's not allowed to eat solids since he's still recovering the surgery, and he didn't like the hospital soup they served so this was his only other alternative. The problem is the jello is extremely hard to eat with one hand. He needed his other one to hold the cup still while he dug into it with his spoon, but Namjoon made it clear to the doctors and nurses that no was to uncuff him.

    He even left a guard posted at his door to make sure they wouldn't. There was no way Jungkook was gonna ask for help and be spoon fed. That would be so demeaning.  He continued on trying to scoop up a spoonful, but the cup kept jutting around. Eventually there was a knock on the door and one of his nurses came in.

    "Are you done with your food?" She asked as she walked over to collect his food tray. Jungkook slammed the cup down on the tray aggressively making the nurse flinch and little jello chunks fly out.

    "Fuck it." He pushed the cart away. He was already on edge. He was supposed to be long gone with Jimin by his side but instead he was stabbed, caught, and facing jail time. Now he couldn't even eat his fucking jello. He was so frustrated he could scream.

    "Also you have a visitor." The nurse said as she cleaned up the remains of the dessert. Jungkook heard a clicking sound of heels approaching. Soon he was able to see a woman with long dark hair and a black pants suit outside of his door. She spoke to the guard and he nodded and walked away as if she had dismissed him. Then she stood were Jungkook could see her completely.

"Noona? I didn't know you were coming." Jungkook says in complete shock. "I've never been happier to see you." The woman waited for the nurse to leave before she walked in.

"Hey Kook. How have you been?" She chuckled looking at the cuffs. Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"How do you think?" The younger sassed.

"Tell me little cousin. How does one, such as yourself, dig themselves into a hole this deep?" She cocked her brow sarcastically. Jungkook only clenched his jaw. "Over your teacher? Really? He's not even that cute?"

"Hey! Don't talk about him." Jungkook pouted.

"Oh my fucking gosh Kook. Don't tell me you're in love."

"Watch it Jisoo! What do you know anyway?"

"I know that my former colleague came to me asking for information on the Jeons. He wouldn't give me all of the details, so I had to find out for myself. I was afraid that my cover was blown, but that wasn't the case at all. He wasn't investigating me. He was after you and uncle Junsuk. Why the hell can't you both keep it in your pants? Do you know how difficult it is to be related to you two and still keep my job at the KCIA?"

"You gave him our information?"

"No dumbass, I gave him the false file."

"Well you're the expert. How do I get out of this?"

"You can't."

"What do you mean I can't ?"

"I mean you can't. You can't talk your way out of this one. Not right now. There's evidence. There are witnesses. Everything and everybody is pointing to you. The smart thing to do right now is to confess."

"I didn't do anything wrong. Jimin's mine. He's my husband now, and they don't have proof of anything."

    "Kook. I need you to listen to me. You're still young and naive about certain things and how this all works. I can get you out of this, and if you want that teacher then I can help with that too, but It'll take time. Right now you have to listen to me and do exactly as I say. Can you do that?"

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