Chapter 22: Perfect Together

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Tbh... I totally forgot that Jimin wore glasses in this story. Let's just pretend I never said that he did if I did. 🙃

Author's POV:

    Yoongi entered the hospital on a mission. He was going to find out what happened to his love. Without a second to spare, he marched straight up to the nurses station, ignoring all the coughing, sneezing, and sickness that resonated through the lobby.

"Excuse me. Where can I find Kim Taehyung?" The nurse looked up from the computer.

"Are you a friend or family?" She asked.

    "Yes. I really need to see him." Yoongi replied desperately.

    "Well you're in luck. He came out of surgery a few hours ago. He should be up by now. Room 203." She smiled.

    "Ok. Thank you." Yoongi ran down the hallways to the room. He hesitated before entering. Why? Because this was the moment of truth. The moment he walks in there will be the moment reality will hit him. The reality that this has actually happened. The reality that Hobi is gone, but he had to. He needed to find out who did this. Who took his first love?

    He took a deep breath and opened the door. Taehyung flinched at the sound covering his face with a pillow and began mumbling..

    "Please don't kill me. Please. You can have him. I already divorced him. I did what you asked." Yoongi furrowed his brow at the man. He wondered what was so terrifying that it'll leave him in this state. As he got closer, Tae got louder. "Please! No! Don't! I'm sorry! I'm sor-"

    "Hey hey hey. Calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." Yoongi shook the older's shoulders to snap him out of the trance. Tae hesitantly opened his eyes and lowered the pillow.

   "W-who are you?" Tae frowned.

    "I'm Yoongi, and just want to ask you something."

    "I don't understand. How did you get in here? Did they send you to finish me off?" Tae's eyes widened.

    "They?! It was more than one? What happened at that warehouse?" Tae did respond looking down in fear. "I promise I'm not here to kill you."

"Then how do you know about that?!How did you know I was kidnapped and taken to a warehouse?!" Tae furrowed his brow him suspiciously.

"I personally didn't know until I called my friend, and an officer picked up the phone, but it's all over the news. Everyone knows and is on the look out for the killer."


"Yes, the killer that killed my friend and tried to kill you."

"They k-k-killed someone?! I thought they were b-bluffing."

"Who?! Who are they?"

"I don't know! They all had masks on." Tae sighed looking back down.

"Ok start from the beginning, and tell me what happened."

"Why should I tell you? I don't know you." Tae spoke defensively looking back up at Yoongi with a frown.

"Look. I just want to know what happened to my friend, and who killed him. You were the only one there who can tell me what happened. Please. I have to know."

"Why?" Tae was curious.

"So I can kill who ever did this. I'm going to make them wish they were never even born. They took my first love so I'm going to take their life." Yoongi gritted his teeth, balling up his fist to the point to where his fingernails almost made him bleed.

    "O-ok, but I don't think I'll be much help. I was drugged, and I barely remember anything."

    "Please just...try." Tae just nodded smiling sadly. He was caught off guard by the strangers determination. If only he could have been more like him and have done more to protect Jimin. He was weak.


Jimin's POV:

I continued to tug at the ropes as his hand roamed all over my body. Soon they were pulling my pants down. My eyes widen. No. No he can't do this. This can't be happening. It's just a dream. It's a nightmare that you'll soon wake up from.

(Warning⚠️: Rape/ Smut)

    "Please Jungkook. Don't do this. I don't want this." My vision was starting to get blurry from tears. My pleads and cries were ignored as he leaned over to to the night stand beside us. He opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube.

    "I don't want to hurt you too much for our first time together, so hold still while I prep you." He took a good amount of the substance on his finger while smiling like a kid in a candy store, then he spread my legs farther apart. I gasped at the cold feeling and the pressure of his middle finger starting to press into me. It felt so wrong having my student between my legs. I've never done this with anyone besides Tae.

    "Please Jungkook." I tried again.

    "Please what?"

    "Please stop!"

    "Awe. That's not what I wanted to hear." He fake pouted pulling his finger out. That pout soon turned into an evil glare. It's scary how his mood changes so quickly. "It looks like I'm going to have to teach you some things teacher."  He harshly gripped my hair forcing my head to go back. "Let's get one thing straight." He trailed kisses on my jawline. "You belong to me." Kiss "No one else can have you." Kiss "I can do whatever I want to you, and you will like it." Kiss "Do you understand?" His lips ghosted my ear as he spoke.

    "No-Ahhhh~!" He thrusted his full length deep inside of me. The pain was horrible. It took everything within me not to shed a tear.

    "What was that? I couldn't hear you?"

    "I s-said n-ahhhh~! Fuck!" Jungkook starts thrusting in and out roughly. It felt like I was being ripped apart. Those tears that I so desperately wanted to keep in betrayed me. "S-stop it-ahhh~. It h-hurts." His pace sped up to an inhuman speed.

    "Can't you see it hyung? We are perfect together. You love me. Only me. It's just you and me now. Forever."

    "You're c-crazy!" I cried out. He stopped all movement, and stared fiercely at me. I think I might have struck a nerve, but I didn't care. I continued. "I hate you for what you did to Hobi and Tae! And for what you're doing now! I will never love you let alone be with you!" His glare was down right terrifying, but I wasn't backing down.

He got up off of me as I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in. He stood over me not saying a word. He just examined my whole body, and walked to the door. As he was leaving out, he peeked his face from around the door and spoke.

    "Sweet dreams my love. We'll try this again tomorrow." While smiling creepily at me, he finally closed the door. That's when his words hit me like a train. Tomorrow. He's going to do this to me again tomorrow? I could barely bare the pain this night. Why is this happening to me of all people? What did I ever do to anyone?

Here I lie cold and naked tied to a bed, and for what? A students obsession. Soon I felt myself drifting off to sleep, when I heard the door crack open again. I pretended to be asleep, afraid he might have came back to do more to my already worn out and tired body, but I didn't feel anything. After what seemed like a while, the ropes on my arms and legs loosened. Is.. is someone here to save me?

Do you think someone is there to save him? 👀

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