Chapter 34: The Proposal

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Merry Christmas!!🎁🎄I've rewritten this chapter so many times I'm not sure what's even in it anymore. For some reason this one was difficult to write but here it is.

"How can you kill me if I'm going to kill you first?"

Author's POV:

Jihyun's breathe hitched as Jimin started crying harder. Jimin couldn't believe this was happening. Would Jungkook really kill his only brother right in front of him?

"J-Jungkook please put the gun down. I'll go with you just please-"

"The hell you are! You're not going near this psycho! Not if I can stand it!" Jihyun intervened no longer fearing for his life. He cared more about his brother getting away rather than himself.

    "Well then let's make sure you're no longer standing." Jungkook fired a shot. Jimin squealed as he shut his eyes and covered his ears.


Jimin's POV:

It was silent for a moment after the shot and so I uncovered my ears. When I did I heard a pang. It sounded like someone getting hit. Then there was a thud like someone falling.

"You were saying?" Jungkook said in a cocky tone. I couldn't tell what was going on since my eyes were still closed, but I could hear footsteps approaching me. I shut my eyes impossibly tighter too afraid of what could possibly be in front of me.

"Hyung, this is for you." I feel Jungkook's hand wrap around my wrist as he tries to pull my hands away from my face. We both struggle against the pull of each other, but it didn't last long since he's way stronger than me. I still shut my eyes tightly in fear when suddenly I felt something going onto my finger. I peeked out of my right eye just for a moment to make sure it wasn't anything thing that could potentially hurt me. After looking I instantly regretted it.

Jungkook was on one knee sliding a beautiful blue and silver vintage ring on my finger. I looked at him in shock but he only smiled at me in a sickeningly sweet way. I broke my eye contact from him when I heard my brother groan.

"J-Jihyun?" A wave of relief came over me when I didn't see any blood on or around him. I wondered why he was on the floor if Jungkook didn't shoot him. What I heard must have been him getting hit. Suddenly Jungkook gripped my chin between his thumb and index finger and forced my attention back on him.

"You might not believe this Jimin hyung, but I love you. I want to have you by my side forever. I will have you no matter what, so the sooner you give in the easier it'll be." It sounded as if he was threatening me. "Also your brother survived this encounter, but if he gets in my way again, he won't survive the next. I'll be back for you my future husband." He leaned in to kiss my lips, but I swiftly turned away. In the end he just kissed my cheek and left it alone, although he did stay there for a moment resting his head on the palm of my hand. The one he put the ring on.

He kept kissing it and breathing in deeply as if he was trying to memorize my scent. I found the whole thing very odd. Not long after, he reluctantly got up and started walking away, and as he did, what he actually said hit me. Was that a proposal? Did he really just propose to marry me after everything he's done. He has to be insane if he thinks I'll ever agree. Just as he reached the door he turned back around to address me once more.

Author's POV:

"Don't ever take that ring off or there'll be major... consequences." Jungkook's amused expression sent chills down the older's spine, since he could tell that what he said was meant as a warning.

"Jihyun?" Jimin called out after Jungkook was completely gone. Jihyun stayed unconscious throughout all of Jungkook's proposal. Jimin felt helpless as he was unable to get to him. He hadn't gained full feeling back into his legs. Not a moment later, Mr and Mrs Park rushed in. They had heard all of the commotion and got worried when Jihyun didn't come back out.

    "Jihyun?" Mrs. Park called out from downstairs as she and her husband were cautiously looking around.

"Mom! Dad! Up here!" Jimin shouted. He was so worried for Jihyun who wasn't waking up, but he still couldn't move.

"Jimin honey what's-" Mrs. Park's breath hitched as she saw her youngest sprawled out on the floor. She dropped down to his side and began shaking him. "My baby! Jihyun sweetie wake up! Jimin what happened?!" Her eyes were wide as she looked to Jimin for answers, but he only broke down crying. Mr. Park who ran up behind his wife in shock kneeled over Jihyun and examined his head. He saw a little gash on his bruised right cheek. He looked up at Jimin before rushing over to comfort him.

"It's ok Jimin just tell us what happened?" Mr. Park rubbed circles on his back as Jimin cried in the crook of his neck. He wanted to say everything, but nothing would come out. In the mist of this Jihyun's eyes fluttered open. Instantly his mind went to Jimin.

"Ji-Jimin." Everyone's attention shifted back to him. He tried to sit up too quickly but fell back in the process.

"Honey don't strain yourself." Mrs. Park panicked.

    "I'm fine." Jihyun tried to be tough, but his heart rate was still racing after having a gun held up to his face. Something like that has never happened to him before, but his mind quickly went back to Jimin after what he whiteness. "Jimin, are you okay." He cursed himself for asking a question so stupid. Of course he wasn't. Jimin hurriedly wiped his tears and tried his best to look unfazed.

"I'm ok. What did he do to you?" Jimin was more worried for the younger as this was his first encounter with Jungkook. Their parents had no idea what was going on. They had only heard the gunshot and rushed in.

"Will somebody tell us what's going on?" Mr. Park asked with the upmost worry.

"There was this guy. He was- wait where did he go?" Jihyun furrowed his brow.

"He's gone now." Jimin answered.

"He didn't do anything else to you did he?" Jihyun was feeling defeated, because he failed to protect his brother. Jungkook could have easily taken Jimin while he was knocked out.

"Wait just a minute. There was a random guy in our house that did something to Jimin?" Mr. Park was trying to keep up.

"Yes, he..he was forcing himself on-" Jihyun started.

"That didn't happen Jihyun. You're imagining things." Jimin interrupted. If his family knew what was happening, they'd surely die. Jungkook made that clear.

"What did happen? We need answers now." Mrs. Park was getting frustrated. Jimin had to come up with something quick before they caught on.

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