Chapter 49: Together Forever

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Are y'all ready for this book to end or what?

Author's POV:

Yoongi walked down the hall into a foyer unaware of the presence following him. There next to the door he saw a big black button labeled 'gate'. When he went to press it, he came to a halt as he felt something cold pressed against the back of his head.

    "Well well well, look at what the cat dragged in." Yoongi huffed and rolled his eyes.

    "Hello Jackson." He spoke in a monotone.

    "Min Yoongi. It's been a long time." Jackson grinned as he cocked the gun.

    "Not long enough." Yoongi scoffed.

    "You know, it takes a lot of work to get something passed me, so tell me. How the fuck did you get in here? Who let you in?" That grin turned into a glare.

    "Why you of course. Who else?" Yoongi mocked with a cheery tone.

    "I'm sure I would've damn sure remembered letting you of all people in here, so I gonna ask again."

    "Don't waste your breath. Here's what I can tell you though. I am the least of your problems right now so I suggest you put the gun down and walk away." Jackson burst into a fit of laughter.

    "Wow. So lil meow meow thinks he can give me orders now? Tell me, when did you get a backbone. Last I remember, you were just some little mama's boy who thought he was bad."

    "A lot has changed. And for one, I'm not that same kid anymore. Too much has happened."

    "Like what? You're mommy didn't get you the new Xbox you wanted?" Yoongi just stayed silent. "Listen, I know what kind of man you are, and you're not cut out for something like this. Kook would always try to convince me that you'd be a good asset to our team, but I was right then and I'm still right now. You're just too much of a wimp."

    "Oh really? Would a wimp put a knife through your bosses back and leave him here to die?" Yoongi slowly turned to face Jackson with the gun still aimed at his forehead. He then lifted his hands and backed away slowly.

    "You're bluffing." Jackson glared.

    "Am I? Because you see your boss crossed me and that something you don't do. Now you and your men are left with two options. You could either go try to save him and get caught or you can leave now and save yourselves. It's your call."

"And what makes you think that I won't just blow your brains out right now, get Jungkook and Jimin, and leave?"

  "Because, I know what kind of man you are. And I've already hit the button so you only have so much time." Jackson furrowed his brow in confusion then clenched his jaw as he noticed the shorter had pushed the button with the back of his head. The younger was right. He had to choose and he had to do it quickly, and when it came to choosing someone else's life verses his own, the answer would always be his own.

    "Don't you fucking move until I'm completely gone." Yoongi chuckled.

    "Wouldn't dream of it."


"Do you mind passing the salt sweetheart?" Junsuk looked over to Jin. Jin didn't answer. He just grabbed the shaker and handed it to the man. This is how it's been going for the last four days now. He, Junsuk, and Yungjin would all sit at the table and eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner together. Right now it was dinner time and they were having a meal prepared by Mr. Jeon's personal chief.

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