Chapter 13: Lost Trust

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Yah gurl is on a roll. Two updates back to back. Whaaaaaat??👏😛
I'm confused. Why y'all reading this? 👀

Author's POV:

Jimin ran and ran until he found himself in front of his house. He didn't realize how close they were. He wasted no time to run upstairs and lock the bedroom door. He plopped on the bed and cried his heart out. Jimin cried so loud that he didn't even realize that he wasn't alone.

"Awe Jiminie, don't cry." Jimin hopped up at the sound of the voice he did not want to hear. He turned to face the younger seeing an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Jungkook?! What the fuck are you doing in my house?! How did you get in here?! How did you make it here before me?" Jimin was so stunned.

"Oh that was easy. I had a key made a while ago, and I followed you two when you left. I saw the whole scene from when were pulled over. After I saw you running away, I followed you to make sure you got here safely. I still made it before you, so I decided to wait for you up here." He chuckled, while Jimin was still freaked out over the fact that he managed to get into there house so easily.

"Are you crazy?! Get out!"

"What? No thanks for my good deed?" He dramatically gasped pretending to be offended. "Come on Jiminie~. I want to have a little fun with you tonight just in case your husband declines my offer tomorrow." He neared the bed as Jimin backed away making his back hit the head board.

"D-don't call me that, and offer? What offer?" Jimin furrowed his brow.

"I gave him an ultimatum. You for his job." Jimin's eyes widened.

"He would never even consider anything like that!"

"Sorry to be the one to break it to you but.. it seems like he's leaning more in my favor." The younger smirked, and Jimin shook his head.

"No! You're lying!"

"Oh really? Then check his pockets when he gets here. I guarantee you'll find a card containing my number which he is supposed to call if he agrees to my terms." Jimin looked down in dismay.

"I won't believe you until I see the card myself." He crossed his arms trying to look tough but it just looked like he was pouting. Jungkook couldn't help but find it cute. He jumped onto the bed hovering over Jimin before he could react pinning his hands above his head.

(Mild Smut Warning⚠️)

"Jungkook what are yo-" Jungkook pressed his lips onto Jimin's before he could finish. Jimin wiggled under him trying to get him off, but the younger didn't budge. Instead he bit Jimin's lower lip trying to enter his mouth. Of course Jimin didn't let him, so he resorted to another way.

He slapped the jibooty hard earning a gasp from the older. He then took the chance to explore every corner of his mouth. Jimin at this point had given up. He was too tired and emotional drained to fight him. He cried silently as Jungkook accepted his surrender. The younger trailed the kisses down his neck to his collar bone as his hands roamed all over the smaller's body. Suddenly he stopped which shocked Jimin. This was his chance to finally take him while they were alone not that he was complaining, he was just confused.

(End of Smut.. that was short af)

"That's enough for tonight baby." He spoke in a husky voice that sparked a little something in Jimin, but he would never admit that. "I'll see you again soon under better circumstances. Circumstances where you'll beg for it. Don't forget what I told you. You're better off with me than with a man who doesn't trust you." Jungkook got off the bed smirking and left like nothing happened.

Jimin on the other hand just lied there staring at the ceiling thinking back on how he got himself into this situation. Tae arrived shortly after entering the room. He was totally unaware that Jungkook had been there.

"Chim, let's just talk." Jimin sat straight up and stared at him blankly. "I just want to tell you how sorry I-"

Jimin got of the bed and hugged him surprising him. Jimin snuggled his face in the others chest and cried while Tae rubbed circle on his back comforting him. Jimin didn't want to do what he was about to do next, but he had to know.

He reached down into Tae's pocket and pulled out that infamous card. Tae didn't realize it being caught up in the moment, but as Jimin examined the card, it was like his whole world was slowly coming to an end. 'Who was this man that he married? Why would he do this to him?' Pretty soon he couldn't even think anymore. He roughly shoved Tae away from him.

"Babe? W-What's wrong?" He asked curious about his sudden aggression. Jimin didn't say a word. He only threw the card at his face and made his way over to the closet. Tae looked at the card and sighed "Babe I can explai-"

"Don't! Don't 'babe' me right now." He continued shoving his clothes into a duffel bag.

"Stop it." Jimin ignored him. "Stop it Jimin!" Tae grabbed the bag and threw it across the room.

"No you stop it!"

"You're not even letting me explain!"

"What is there to explain huh?! Are going to explain how you were basically going to sell me out like some slut! I'm your fucking husband and you were going to give me to that bastard for that stupid job!"

"No! I would never do that! Do you have such little trust in me?!"

"Trust? Trust?! You want to talk about ME having trust in YOU?! Tae the whole reason you took the card was because you lost your trust in me!"

"I admit I had my doubts but I'm over that, and I believe you not him. I love you." He approached the smaller, but Jimin backed away.

"That's my point. NOW you believe me. You should have never doubted me. You should have taken my word over his."

    "Did you not just here me? I did!" Tae argued.

    "You don't understand. The fact that you took that card shows me your lack of trust...and you know what? It also showed my bad judgment of character."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tae frowned.

"My husband, the one that I chose to marry, actually considered pimping me out to a teenager for a job!"

"I said I wasn't going to do it!"

"BUT YOU CONSIDERED IT! You considered it and that's enough to taint you in my eyes."

"So what does this mean for us then? Are you just going to walk out of my life? Where will you go huh? To Jungkook?"

"You know something else? He was right about you. I'd rather be with him than with a husband that doesn't trust me-"


Tears reformed in the corner of his eyes as he grabbed his red stinging cheek. Never in a million years would he ever think Tae would hit him. Not even when he was drunk. The worst part of it all was he didn't even mean what he said. He just said it out of pure anger.

"J-Jimin, I'm so so-"

"I think we need to take a break."

"Jimin p-please I-" Tae began tearing up as well. Jimin spoke no more words as he just left the house leaving everything behind. There was one person still hidden in the shadows watching the whole thing.

"Finally. Jimin will be mine." He laughted evilly as he watched Jimin leave the house and walk down the street from his car.

"Hobi hyung? Can I come over?"

"Yes. Of course. Everything ok?"

"I'll tell you when I get there."

"Alright, I'm sending you the address now."


Don't hate me just yet. 🙅‍♀️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

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