Chapter 27: Defeated

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Yoongi's POV:

    "Hello may I speak to Detective Namjoon? It's really important." I ask the lady at the desk.

    "I'm sorry. He's still out now, but you're more than welcome to-"

    "I can't deal with this right now!" I peeked around to the corner at the familiar voice. "Tell me where he is!" M-Mr. Jeon? What is he doing here, and why is he yelling at some  officer?


Author's POV:

    "Sir, he's on vacation, he won't be back until-"

     "I don't care where he is! You get on the phone and tell him that I need to speak with him right now!" Mr. Jeon yelled. He was pissed. Firstly someone got Jimin, the man who could ruin his families reputation, out of jail. Secondly Jungkook ran away taking his entire trust fund with him. And thirdly his inside connection to the justice system went off to dilly dally on vacation, while another cop has stepped in on Jimin's case.

    "He's in a secluded area sir. No calls can reach him." Mr. Jeon took a deep breath before he completely explodes. Right as he was about to go off even more, he was interrupted.

    "Mr. Jeon? What are you doing here?" He turned around to see Yoongi with a confused look.

    "Y-Yoongi?" He quickly threw on a fake smile. "Aren't you suppose to be in school?"

    "No. We're on break remember. You said that's why Jungkook took off to some unknown place. He did leave because of the break right?"
Yoongi became skeptical.

    "Uh. Y-yeah. I did say that. I'm just kind of on edge right now son." He turned away from Yoongi and looked back at the rookie officer he took his frustrations out on. "You make it happen or else." The rookie nodded immediately and Mr. Jeon left.

    "Something's off here." Yoongi said to himself. As he was a till trying to figure things out, he didn't notice Namjoon walking in.

"Yoongi right?" Yoongi was knocked out of his trance and quickly turned around to see the taller staring at him in confusion. "What are you doing here?

    "Oh hi. I'm actually here to see you. I needed to talk to you about something important."

    "Ok. Is it about Taehyung? Did something happen?" Namjoon asked concerned.

    "Yes and no to both question." Namjoon furrowed his brow. "Let me explain. Is there's somewhere we can talk privately?"

    "Uh yeah. Just follow me." Yoongi followed behind Namjoon as he lead him to a place that looked like a conference room. They sat in silence for a minute as Yoongi was really thinking about what he should say. The truth was that he suspected his best friend committed this crime, but he didn't want to believe it. What if it wasn't him? What kind of best friend would he be to falsely accuse Jungkook of murder?... But then something popped up in his mind again.

    Don't believe what that psycho says. He's playing you.

Those were the words that Hobi said to him just a few days before he was murdered. Those words were a warning that Yoongi chose to ignore, and now it was too late. He could have possibly prevented this from happening, but he was to caught up in Jungkook's lies.

    Even when all the evidence pointed to him, the younger could still manage to talk his way out of it. But not this time. Yoongi was hellbent on destroying him now. It was the main fact that he knew. Jungkook knew how Yoongi felt about Hobi, but he still did it anyway. But why? Why would he do that to the said teacher? What was his motive? Yoongi thought for a minute and then it clicked.

"Umm? Yoongi? Are you going to tell me or not?" Namjoon was starting to get a little impatient.

"I know who murdered Jung Hoseok."


The next morning, Jungkook woke to Jimin lying asleep in his arms. The older looked like an angel with how the sunlight shined upon his pure face, and how his fluffy blonde locks fell in front of his closed eyes. Jungkook smiled and then his thoughts trailed off to last nights events. He immediately felt bad. 'Maybe I was a bit too harsh on him.' He thought, but then he thought about Jimin trying to escape him and decided that he deserved it.

    He did regret letting Jackson in on it though. The older wouldn't stop going on and on about how great Jimin's body was. He eventually kicked him out and told him to never speak, think about, or touch Jimin ever again. Soon Jungkook felt a stir. He looked down to see Jimin beginning to wake up.

    "Good morning beautiful." The younger spoke in a husky voice. Jimin fluttered his eyes open and groaned. To say that his lower half was painful would be an understatement. "I don't think there's any way for you to walk let alone run, huh?" Jungkook chuckled as the other frowned. Half because of the pain and half because of annoyance. "Now tell me sweetheart. What did you learn from this experience?" Jimin cringed at the nickname, but managed to hide it.

    "T-that I s-shouldn't try to run from you." Jimin croaked out. His voice was still sore from all of the screaming he did the night before.


    "And t-that I'm only y-yours."


    "A-and that nothing but d..d..death can separate us."Jimin was in full fledge tears after this one. He didn't want to be here with Jungkook, but he also didn't want to die either. At least not yet.

"Good boy. I'm going to get ready for school ok, and Jin hyung will be by later to take care of you." Jungkook smiled. "But remember, if you try anything like yesterday again, there will be hell to pay. Do you understand?" His face darkened as he glared at the smaller. Fear built up in Jimin as he quickly nodded. "Use your words."


"I'm serious Jimin. You better hope that he doesn't find out."

"Yes. I understand daddy."

"My baby boy is learning so fast now. Keep it up and there might even be a treat for you." Jungkook smiled his sickly smile and got out of bed to get ready. Jimin placed a pillow over his face and sobbed hard.

It didn't take long before Jungkook left and Jimin was alone. This was the perfect time to get away, but fear had taken over him completely. He had no interest in trying to leave anymore. He just wanted to be saved although he doubted that it would ever happen. He just lied there feeling the most defeated he has ever felt in his life.

In just a short time he heard Jin enter the house and call for him. He wanted to yell back, but his sore throat didn't allow him to. It wasn't like he could move either, so he just helplessly and patiently waited for Jin to come to him.

"Here you are Jiminie." Jin walked into to the room smiling as Jimin stared blankly at him. It wasn't that he wasn't happy to see him. He just didn't want the older seeing him like this. "Look I'm so sorry about yesterday." 'Yesterday? Does he know?' Jimin panicked a little in his mind. "I'm sorry that I had to drug you like that. Jungkook told me that it was the best thing to do. Please don't hate me." Jin looked down at him with sad eyes.

"I don't hate you hyung. I'm sorry for my outburst." Jimin said lowly with his hoarse voice.

"Oh my goodness honey, you sound terrible. Are you sick?" Jin ran over to check his forehead for a temperature. Jimin just went along with it as it was the best explanation other than the truth.

"Y-yes. A little."

"Well that's ok. I'm going to be here to take care of you, and help you get better." Jin smiled again.

"Th-thanks hyung."

"No problem. First things first let's get you u-AHH! OH MY GOD!" Jin pulled off the cover to see a horrifying sight.

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