Chapter 45: It's Done

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So this was supposed to the final chapter, but I couldn't fit it all in one. Also y'all have waited long enough.

"Great news. The first part of my plan for us is complete. My wife is out of the picture.. for good."

Author's POV:

"What do you mean?" Jin slowly stood up frowning.

"Appa! Appa!" A small voice rang out. Jin turned to see Yungjin running down the stairs. He instantly ran to the end of the staircase and greeted his baby with open arms.

"Oh my baby. Appa missed you so much. Are you ok?" He asked while lifting him up and resting him on his hip.

"Yes. Mr. Jeon let me watch the Minions movie. It was really funny."

"That's great. Now why don't you thank Mr. Jeon for looking after you while I was gone because now that I'm back.." He cut his eyes towards Junsuk glaring at him. " we're leaving."

    "But Appa~ Mr. Jeon promised me chocolate ice cream for dinner, and he says I can eat all of the candy I want and watch all the movies I want and-"

    "Yungjin. Go get your things." Jin puts him down.

    "Nooo Appa. Please. I don't wanna go. His house is more bigger than ours and more funner and he said we could stay forever-"

    "That is enough Yungjin! Now go do what Appa told you to do." Yungjin pouted angrily and stomped away. Once Yungjin was fully up the stairs, Jin furiously turned to Junsuk. "Why the fuck would you tell him all of that knowing good and well that there's no way in hell that we'd ever live here!" He whisper-shouted.

    "Calm down sweetheart-"

    "Don't. Don't you dare and don't even think about telling him who you really are."

    "Why not? He has a right to know."

    "No! He doesn't need to know you. I sure as hell wish I didn't. Besides, I told him you were dead."

    "Awe my little Jinnie. How could you go as far as lying to Yungjin about me?" Jin was about to speak but he was cut off by a soft voice.

"A-Appa? You lied?" Jin's head turned quickly to see his teary-eyed child at the bottom of the staircase. He had heard every word. "H-how could you?" He asked with his bottom lip quivering. Jin tried to go towards him but the little boy ran back up the stairs before he could reach him. He turned back around to see the smirk on Junsuk's face.

"Y-you saw him. You knew he was there and you just let me-"

"Like I said. He needed to know. Don't worry baby. He'll forgive you in time. For now you should get comfortable since you're back where you're supposed to be."

    "Have you not been listening? We. Are. Leav- mhmm." Before Jin could finish he felt a presence come behind him and put a cloth over his nose and mouth. He was forced to breath in the toxic fumes that the cloth contained until his body eventually shutdown.

"Go put him in his old room and take Yungjin out for that ice cream he was promised. Stay out as long as possible. I don't need him to be here when Jin wakes up." Mr. Jeon ordered the servant holding Jin. The servant nodded and did what he was told while Mr. Jeon went to prepare himself for a long night. Once the servant was completely gone from the room, he began with a sigh, "Oh Jinnie, I was really hoping it wouldn't have to come to this, but it seems as if I'm going to have to break you."


"Hyung? Are you sure about this? I mean there's got to be another way. One where you and Mark can be safe."

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