Chapter 21: Nightmare

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Ok just a little side note. I'm glad y'all are so into the story that you think it's real, but it's a STORY. It's not real. It is fanFICTION. I'm sure Hobi's out there chilling, eating some kimchi fried rice..... AND SPRITE. Let me live. And you know who you are. *cough cough*

~(The next day)~

Yoongi's POV:

    Today is the day. Hobi and I are starting our date week. I'm so excited. I'm finally gonna make him mine. Everything is all planned out. We're going to have a candlelit dinner, and later watch a movie. I'm going to the store now to buy ingredients.

    I don't really know how to cook, but I thought I'd give it a try since I'm trying to make it up to him. If all else fails, you can never go wrong with pizza. Maybe I should call him and tell him to be ready by 4 pm in case he forgot. I pull out my phone and dial his number. The phone rings and rings, but no answer. He might still be sleeping. It is 11 am. I'll try again later.

    Two hours have passed after I finished shopping, and it's now 1 pm. This should be a good time to call again. Ring after ring and still no answer. He should be up by now. He's a morning person, at least that's what he told the class. Why would he lie about something as stupid as that. Something's not right. Is he avoiding me? No. We had a deal. He's not going to break it. I'll call again, and this time I'll leave a voicemail.

    "Hyung, I'll be there at 4. Don't try and back out now. You know what will happen if you do." I hung up and headed home.

    Two more hours pass, and it is now 3 pm. I still haven't gotten a reply from Hobi. Being the impatient person I am, I went to his house. His car was there so he must be as well. I banged on his door, but he didn't answer. I'm starting to get angry now. I call once more and...

    "Hello?" Finally someone picked up, but it wasn't him.

    "Hello? Who is this?" I frowned.

    "I'm Officer Hun. Were you a friend of Jung Hoseok?"

    "Yes I am, and what do you mean 'were'?"

    "I'm sorry to inform you that he.. he was found dead this morning in a warehouse on the outskirts of town. Along with another man who is currently in intensive care." Upon hearing the news, I was stunned. This couldn't be true.

    "W-what? You're lying! Is this a prank or something to get out of the date, because it isn't funny."

    "This is not a prank. I'm so sorry for your loss." What the fuck? Who would do this? And who was he with? This doesn't seem real. It's almost as if it were a nightmare.

    "Who was the other person found along with him?"

    "Kim Taehyung. Did you know him as well?" Kim Taehyung? As in Mr. Kim's Kim Taehyung? This isn't adding up.

    "What hospital?"

    "I'm sorry?"

    "What hospital is the Kim Taehyung in?"

    "He's at Lee General."

    "Thank you." I hang up the phone and head straight there. I need answers. I need to know what happened.



Jimin's POV:

    "No! No! No! NO! Hobi wake up!Wake up!" I sobbed over my best friend's cold pale body. It shouldn't have been him. He had nothing to do with this. He was innocent. Why couldn't it have been me? Why did he have to come and protect me? I lifted my head up making eye contact with his killer as he brung the knife to my throat.


"Please don't!"


    I jolted up out of sleep with my chest rapidly moving as if I were hyperventilating. My head hurt like a bitch. Was it all a dream? My heart glimmered with hope that soon faded as my vision became clearer, and I was able to take in my surroundings. This place is unfamiliar. Where am I? I tried to get up from the queen sized bed I lied in, only to be stopped by the ropes that bound my wrists to the headboard.

    "Help! Help! Someone please!" I shouted while trying to free my self, but it was no use. I looked around again trying to get a better look at everything since it was dark. It look like I was in a bedroom. It had red walls and a hardwood floor. The only other furniture there was a blue chair off in the far corner of the room, a dresser by what I assumed was the closet door, and a nightstand directly to the right of the bed that held a lamp.

    How I got here is a total mystery to me. It wasn't until I spotted a picture hanging on the wall directly across from me that I started to figure things out. The picture consisted of a little boy standing in the middle of an elderly couple. That little boy looks a lot like..


     My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of what sounded like a door closing. Footsteps could be heard getting louder as they near my location. Soon there was a click of the room door signaling that it was unlocked. My eyes widened and my mouth went dry as the guy of my nightmares entered the room.

    "J-Jungkook? What's going on? Where the hell am I? And why am I all tied up?"

    "Shh~. So many questions." He chuckled.

    "This isn't funny! Let me go right now!"

    "Why would I when I finally have you to myself?" He walks over sitting himself down on the edge of the bed. "I've been waiting a while for this and now that I finally have, I don't think I'll ever let it go."

"Have what?" I asked a bit dumbfounded on what he was talking about.

"A family. A real family. It's the best feeling in the world." He turned his body and traveled his way up the bed until he was hovering over me. "Having you by my side is amazing, but.."

His hands made there way to the hem of my shirt lifting it a little as they creeped under it. Soon his fingers were caressing my bare chest as I tried to distance myself the best I could with my hands literally tied.

"..but I'm thinking we should extend this family." A creepy grin plastered his face. I freak out immediately knowing what he meant by that.

"No! Don't touch me!" I struggle harder to get free. He climbed on top of me trapping my torso between his thighs.

(Every time I mention thighs, My thoughts automatically revert back to a comment before that roasted me because I typed it as thy. 😐 you're still on my mind friend. Shout out to you if you still read this.)

"Stop doing that. You'll hurt yourself baby." His voice was so sweet that it was sickening. I continued to tug at the ropes as his hand roamed all over my body. Soon they were pulling my pants down. My eyes widen. No. No he can't do this. This can't be happening. It's just a dream. It's a nightmare that you'll soon wake up from.

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