1. They're back?

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"Kids! Breakfast!" My mother screams downstairs. "Coming mother!" My twin brother and I scream in unison, mocking our mother. She hates it when we call her mother because it makes her feel old fashioned or something like that, but it's so much fun to tease her.

Both my brother and I run into the kitchen at the same time fighting over the spot next to our father. Our father always spoils us, which is why we fight over the spot next to him. When we sit next to him, he gives us extra pieces of food when mom doesn't look. 

"No running and no fighting in my home!" My mother scolds us. "Kevin you're sitting next to me, as always!" Our mother points to the spot beside her. "Kailee, you sit next to your father."

My brother pouts as he sits down in his spot. I reach over for a piece of bacon, but my mother slaps my hand away. "Wait for your father!" 

My mother can be strict from time to time, but she is the best mother we could ask for. Although my parents met when my father was already famous. She never cared. She acts around my father like he is a normal person. Everyone with eyes can see that.

I have never heard the full story of my parents love, but my aunt Megan has told me a lot. Like, that my father got my mother out of dark place. That my father was the reason my mother smiled again. I also know that our names have something to with all that, but she always dismisses the subject when we ask her about it.

One day I want a love like theirs.

"Be nice to our children, beautiful." I hear my father's voice coming from the door. In all the years I can remember, my father has called my mother either 'beautiful' or 'Lexy' and every time he calls her beautiful, my mother rolls her eyes. 

My father walks over to my mother and kisses her. "No, I don't want to see that!" My brother exclaims. I see my father smile mischievously as he kisses my mother again.

Such a child 

"It's time for breakfast," my mother tells my father in between kisses. "Are there muffins?" My father asks with twinkling eyes. My father's love for muffins is almost as huge as his love for my mother. "Yes, there are muffinman." I smile at the nickname she calls him from time to time. 

Finally, my father sits down beside me ruffling my hair. "Dad!" I complain as he knows I don't like it when he does that. My father just smiles as he grabs a muffin. My mother and I both roll our eyes as we eat our breakfast. 

"The life of the party is here!" My best friend and cousin Olivia announces as she walks in. 

Olivia or Liv as she likes to be called is the daughter of my aunt Megan and uncle Hayes. She is a year older than us, but because she had to do a year over in school, because of extreme traveling with her father, she is in the same year as us. 

Even though Liv is my cousin, we've been best friends ever since I was born. Maybe that's our mothers' fault or maybe it's because we always played together since Liv lives a door down. Our bedroom windows literally look out on each other. 

"Oh no," my father complains as he sees Liv and I share a look. On cue, we both burst out in my father's song 'Life Of The Party'. Although both of us have rather nice singing voices, we sing as false as dying cats.

Bursting out in songs whenever we hear a song reference is a big part of our friendship. To great annoyance by our families and other friends. Especially my twin brother. We drive to school together every single day and that's when we let loose. I really do feel bad for Kev. 

Ah, who am I kidding? I love seeing him suffer.

"Okay ladies that's enough," my mother screams over our voices. We immediately stop singing, because we don't want to be on my mother's bad side. She can be a terrible person from time to time.

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