fourteen days and counting

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stella - monday

"Everyone's talking about the Ding Dong Ditchers," Calum grinned as he sat down at our usual lunch table.

It was the joint junior/senior lunch period and I was sitting with the usuals. Me and Dylan always sat with some of the band geeks, as we were just as music obsessed as them. It was clear that there were still split friendship groups on our table: me and Dylan, the four boys that were in a band then the twins and their two friends.

I often joined in on the boys' conversations as they made me laugh. You would never see us hanging out together after school but at lunch we got along well.

"I heard they actually made it into Lucy Harvie's house," Dylan was eating her yoghurt, pretending she wasn't actually that interested. I knew different though. She was dying to be an investigator and keeps claiming that the identity of the Ding Dong Ditchers was going to be her first case.

"Her friends were talking about it this morning," I giggled at the look on the popular girls' face. They all thought they were next

"I heard they left their doorbell right outside her bedroom door," Michael looked smug and I guess it was the fact that he knew all the details we didn't.

"Apparently it scared her more because it was red, unlike the others." Ashton, the only senior at our table, snorted. 

"How do you know that?" Dylan's head had shot up from her food and stared intensely at the boy.

"I saw her this morning!" Luke wasn't as loud as the others but he happily jumped in to save his friend from Dylan's scrutiny. 

They stayed and talked a little longer, seemingly much more closed off than they were before. Dylan and me shared a look as they all abruptly scraped their chairs away from the table and walked off. She watched them for a while till snapping her head back to me.

"Lucy wasn't in this morning." I raised my eyebrow, wondering how this was meant to effect me in any way. I was usually quite slow and I could always tell when my best friend was disappointed in me for being so. She'd flare out her nostrils and let out a really long sigh - much like she was doing now.

"They're lying, dipshit." 

"Why would they lie?" Dylan was doing her nostril flare and sigh routine again. I really wasn't cut out for this whole detective business. I was one of those Dr Who companions that only ever thought of one or two good ideas.

"They're obviously hiding something, Stel, I wonder what it could be..." She started mumbling to herself and I blocked her out, knowing that she'd start scribbling in her little brown book (what I call her detective journal but she will murder you if you try) and tell me what she's come up with later.

It wasn't until two hours later when we were sitting in English Lit that she smacked her hand down on the table. It was loud enough to get the attention of the people around us who were looking at us like Dylan was crazy.

"Worked it out yet, Dyl?" She glared at anyone staring at us, making them turn away before facing me and grinning.

"They know!" 

Don't get me wrong, Dylan was a great friend but it always aggrivated me the way she never fully answered a question I had. I think it had something to do with wanting to be mysterious but how she expected me to just know things, I had no idea. 

"Dyl, explain." I carried on writing my essay as she flicked back through her latest pages in her detective journal. She thrust it in front of me, showing me a drawing she did of the four boys.

"You see, they always know more than anyone else about the Ding Dong Ditchers!" Excitedly, she flipped through the pages, pointing at her notes. Telling me about her solution to her mystery was that the boys knew who the Ding Dong Ditchers were and were friends with them.

"What if they blackmailed the Ding Dong Ditchers so they knew all the information and could be smug about it? You see Michael's face every time he knows something others don't!" I nodded along, knowing it was the best thing to do.

Honestly, I was quite interested as to why the boys knew everything so would happily go along with her plan to find out what the boys knew about the Ding Dong Ditchers.


chapters are going to be shortish until it gets a little more interesting ok? 

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