seven days and counting

791 61 3

stella - monday

It didn't take long for me to hear a car pulling up outside of the house. My head stayed in my arms and I didn't look, knowing I was a mess.

The car doors shut and one of the boys made a loud shh sound as they approached me.

"Stella? Stella, are you okay?" a hand was placed on the top of my back as I tried to shake my head in response. Instead, my whole body shook and the hand turned into an arm lifting me up. I was pulled into a chest where I started sobbing again. 

"Open the door, Cal!"

"Fuck, calm your tits!"

My legs were taken from under me as the boy I was crying into lifted me up and walked into the house I had run to. I can't believe someone was in my house, my house! 

"Stella what happened?" I took a deep breath as I wiped my eyes, finally looking at Ashton. He had sat us on his sofa and looked at me with a frown. Not being able to face him any longer, I turned my gaze to his hand and the t-shirt wrapped around it.

"I had a note and then, then someone came down the stairs and I ra- ran away." He was rubbing his hand on my back softly, sucessfully in calming me down.

"Did you get a look at him?" He asked as though he was worried and I felt a rush of warmth at the thought that he cared. Unfortunately, I shook my head. I regret not opening my eyes when I wacked my attacker with an umbrella but I had to get out of there. "You're okay now." 

I smiled up at him, happy that I had here to stay when Dylan was busy. Ashton shuffled out from under me and headed towards the door. "Want a drink?" I shouted a yes please after him and curled my legs under myself, waiting patiently.

I couldn't get over how un-lived in Ashton's house tended to look. It didn't seem like anyone but he lived here and, of course, the boys that were always over.

Michael decided this would be when he made his appearence in the room and I held my breath, waiting the inevitable shouting he was probably going to do. His eyes narrowed me as he noticed me on the sofa so I tried to make myself smaller, hiding away from him.

He sat on the other end of the sofa and we stayed silent. He didn't look at me but i noticed the way his knuckles were cut and bruised. why were they all hurt?

Before I had a chance to wonder the reason why, Ashton had returned with a bottle of water and a Luke and Calum. I returned Luke's smile but gasped when I saw Calum's face. The whole right side was red and slightly swolen. There was a cut on his eyebrow and it all looked like it was about to bruise any second.

"Okay what's the deal? Why are you all injured?" I attempted to cross my arms, which was difficult with a bottle in my hand and instead probably looked like I was spazzing out.

"Well Mikey got angry enough to trash my room and I punched a wall?" Ashton offered, rubbing the back of his neck. I shook my head in disbelief.

"Stupid umbrella." Was all Calum muttered as he collapsed on the floor.

"Stupid... what?" Michael's leg shot out and kicked Calum, being very discrete. My mind jumped back a while to when I managed to lunge for the umbrella stand and whirl it around to hit my attacker.

"Stel it's not what you think!" Ashton was shouting after me as I ran away. I was an idiot for thinking I could go there after the way Michael had had a go at us. It was clear that they didn't want us around.

I found myself running away for a second time that day, my legs burning with all the exercise I wasn't use to. Needing to see my house before I headed to Dylan's, I took the long way around to be able to pass my house.

The door was wide open and, as I stepped through the door, I could see the hallway in a much bigger mess than I thought I had left it.

After looking in a few of the downstairs rooms, I could see that the only big mess was the coats and shoes scattered around in between the doors and the stairs. The umbrella I knew I dropped by the door had been flung to the stairs and my phone was half-hidden under my parents jacket.

I didn't want to stay and tidy it up, however, so instead grabbed my bag and phone and left. I made sure the door was locked on my way out and quickly rushed through the alleyways to Dylan's house.

Who cares if she was at some course, I would just wait her out like I did Ashton.

Except this time, I knew I'd be safe with Dylan.

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