four days and counting

709 55 11

ashton - thursday

The first thing I wondered was why anyone was coming into my back door this early in the morning. The second, was wondering if it was the boys. I sent a quick text to them asking if any of them had left.

While waiting for their reply, I got up as fast as I could while staying quiet and peeked out of my bedroom window. It looked over the back yard and was directly above the back door. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and I couldn't help but think I was being paranoid. It was broad daylight afterall. 

My phone buzzing made me jump and let out a whelp before realising it was probably just a reply from the boys. I stared down at my phone, reading Calum's reply, my heart beating so hard you could probably see it.

none of us have moved. didn't you just come in the back door?

Panicked, I told them to come to my room. I had previously unlocked the door after they left me alone because, after watching Stella get attacked in her house and not getting away because of a locked door, I was afraid to trap myself in the room.

I let out a sigh and looked up, ready to check the garden one more time. I wasn't able to though because I came eye to eye with a covered up face. All I could see was their eyes due to the cloth around their face and hood over their head.

I screamed, sounding like a little girl and the person raised their eyebrows at me. They waved as I fell backwards, slamming the bottom of my back against the floor and I could just imagine a smirk on their face.

Scrambling, I glanced around for something, anything to attack them with. Their hand went to my slightly open window and pulled. I think it was lucky that it often got jammed as I had a chance to push myself further away - right into somebody's legs.

Screaming again, I spun round to see Michael's mouth hanging open in shock. I felt myself crying, my heart racing as I watched the person in black look up at us.

Luke fell down next to me and wrapped one around me. I was shaking and embarrassed that it had scared me so much.

"What the fuck!" Michael clenched his fists, a muscle in his jaw jumping as he stormed towards the window. The person, however, stared past him and did the 'cutting of the head' motion before looking directly at me. They waved and, as they went to disappear, a red lock of hair fell out from under their hood. 

I stared at the now empty window as I heard Calum fall to the floor. At first, I guessed he had done the same as Luke but when Michael ran to us, I turned.

Calum was on the floor, blood spilling out of the back of his head. There was a bang from somewhere in the house and footsteps were flying down the stairs, not bothering to be quiet anymore.

Michael's "Get back here you son of a bitch!" snapped me into action. I pushed away from Luke and straight to Calum.

"Michael, don't!" I sighed, wiping away tears from my cheek as I pulled Calum's head onto my lap. He was still laying on his front but he couldn't lay onto the wound. "Get the first aid kit." Luke nodded and got up immediately as I tugged off my shirt.

I bundled up my top and pressed it down onto Calum's wound. Shaking him lightly, I tried to get him to respond. I had to apply pressure onto the wound for fifteen minutes and would swap my top for a clean cloth when Luke came back.

Now all I was scared for was Calum. Head injuries were never good and he had been battered enough lately by an umbrella.

Thankfully, it only took Luke about a minute or two to come bounding into my room, placing a bowl of clean water and dropping the kit by Calum before dropping himself down next to me. He opened it up and pulled out a clean cloth, handing it to me and taking my top.

"Will Cal be okay?" Luke mumbled as he put a timer onto his phone. He proceeded to pull out another cloth and place it into the bowl. "I washed my hands so I can clean it."

"He's breathing. It'll be okay." I smiled at Luke even though I knew it was weak. He gave me a smile that was just as weak though and I turned back to Calum. His head was turned slightly to face Luke, the wound being on his left side and he looked like he was asleep.

I watched as Luke reached out and brushed a slight bit of his hair out of his eyes. 

Michael appeared in the doorway, disturbing the peacefulness of the moment.

"The one that hit him was a guy. That's all I know." His face changed from anger to concern as he looked down at the passed out Calum. "Is he alright?"

"He's breathing." Luke repeated my earlier words and Michael sat down my Calum's legs.

We stayed like that, in silence until the alarm on Luke's phone signifying that fifteen minutes was up went off. Carefully, I took away the cloth and nodded to Luke who was wringing out the cloth from the bowl he had brought up.

"Salt water." He mumbled as he lightly cleaned around the wound. He slowly dabbed at the skin, knowing that he could set off the bleeding if he was too harsh. I was worried that we didn't have any gloves, having used them up on the many injuries we, especially Michael, had gotten over the past year but trusted Luke to have washed his hands properly.

Pulling away, he grabbed another cloth and patted around the wound dry. He then placed a small amount of gauze and, after wringing that out too, he placed it onto the wound. Gritting his teeth with worry, he pushed slightly, having to press it down and slightly into the cut.

Thankfully, it wasn't that deep and this not only meant Calum wouldn't be too bad but Luke didn't have to worry about hurting him.

Michael had the larger, dry dressing pad ready and Luke picked up the tape ready to tape it as much as possible. I held the pad in place to let Luke do his thing while Michael got out a bandage. We weren't sure how well the pad would stick even on the parts of Calum's hair that were closely shaved.

Once we had the bandage tied and clipped around his head, we all joined in lifting him up. His dead weight was too heavy for one of us and I supported his head as we stepped over to my bed.

We placed him on his back, scared that he could suffocate if we weren't looking and I tilted his head to the left again, making sure the wound stayed up.

"We have to wake him. It could be serious." Michael looked like he wanted to do anything but wake him up, scared to see the damage it had done.

"Calum? Cal, wake up." I shook his shoulder, sighing when there was no response.

Luke sat next to Calum's chest on the bed and leant slightly so he was close to his ear. "Cal, please wake up buddy. You're not meant to be the useless one." His voice sounded pained as he shook him.

I was about to give up before Cal stirred. 

"If you don't have boobs, you shouldn't be waking me up." He muttered before trying to turn over.

"Woah boy, you got a head wound so be careful." My hand shout out for his shoulder, stopping him from landing onto the cut.

"I'll have you know I have very nice boobs." Luke's eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at his own chest. This made us all chuckle and I was glad Calum seemed to be okay. I watched as he patted Luke's chest then nodded in agreement, only making us crack up further.

Once we were settled, he turned to me. "All I remember is you crying on the floor, you big baby." Michael snorted and I punched Calum's leg, telling him to shut up.

"We're glad you're okay mate. Though we are going to be checking up on you like, every hour." Calum shrugged at this and grinned at us.

"Now I get to punch more people when they ask about my head instead of my face." This made Luke and Michael laugh as I shook my head, smiling at the boy who seemed to be totally okay even after what happened.

I would have laughed again too, if it wasn't for an unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. I turned to face the window and the door but couldn't see anything. I didn't feel right and knew I was going to have to keep an extra eye and ear out to precent anything bad hurting any of the boys sitting on my bed again.


holy crap

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