fourteen days and counting

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ashton - monday

 "Apparently it scared her more because it was red, unlike the others." I snorted at the thought of Lucy the bitch shitting herself over nothing.

"How do you know that?" Dylan's head had shot up from her food and stared intensely at me. I faltered under her glare. Did I fuck up?

"I saw her this morning!" Luke grinned at Dylan, coming to my rescue. I bowed my head, playing with the pasta I had gotten from the school caferteria.

We all knew that I had messed up somehow but we stayed there for a little longer, hoping to god that Dylan didn't suspect anything. We knew that she was the type of person that if she was curious, she would investigate. Not in a mean way but we had often made a few jokes about how Dylan fancied herself as a Nancy Drew type of person. 

It was always funny watching Stella agree with whatever Dylan was going on about in her little brown book, it provided all of us entertainment at lunch.

We had never even heard of them doing anything out of school other than hanging out with each other or else we'd have asked them to hang with us. They were easy to get on with and made us laugh.

Michael signalled us all to leave after a few minutes and we all stood up and walked away quickly, knowing we needed to talk. I could feel someone staring at us as we left and, as we never attracted girls, I could guess it was Dylan and Stella because they were curious.

"Are you a fucking idiot?" Michael whirled around as soon as we were out of the cafeteria doors.

"What do you mean?" I still wasn't sure how I had fucked up exactly.

"Lucy wasn't in today!" He all but hissed at me. I may have been protective over the boys but Michael always lost his temper if we slipped up.

Granted, we hadn't slipped up as bad as I did today. He had a right to be annoyed, I was annoyed at myself.

"They don't know that. She's in all the idiot classes, neither of them are." Again, Luke was coming to my rescue and I shook my head at him - letting him know he needed to stop.

"Dylan will know! Have you never listened to one of her litte rants about someone? She picks up on everything and it was obvious that she knew Lucy was not in school!" Michael had his arms up in exasperation.

Calum grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Michael ranting to Luke about how much of an idiot I am. 

"I really messed up, didn't I?" Calu had dropped my arm and we were on our way to Biology.

"Fucked up real good but we have hope, just find out what they think," He shurgged as if it was the simpliest answer in the world as he stood outside his next class. As I was the only senior, I never had a class with any of the boys but I usually stayed with one of them until the bell rang.

✘ ✘ ✘ ✘

Three hours later, I met the boys beside my car. Michael was glaring at me but the other two nodded at me. We all piled in in silence, no one daring to break the tension Michael was creating with his annoyance.

"So I've had three hours to think about screwing up..." I started. Someone was going to have to have the balls to speak or we never would. Plus, I had thought about what Calum said to me at the end of lunch, barely focusing on my classes.

"Realised you fucked up then?" Michael had his arms crossed, looking smug in the back seat. I caught his hard gaze in the rearview mirror and focused on the road.

"Yes. Now, Cal said something earlier that got me thinking -"

"The find out what they think?" I nodded to Calum who had called shotgun as I turned onto the freeway.

"We steal that little brown book Dylan always has." I was determined that my idea was a good one but unfortuantely, I couldn't risk a look back at Michael to see if he agreed. I knew Cal and Luke would, the only problem would be convincing Michael to listen to me after earlier.

"It could work. We could target her tonight and take the book?" I nearly slammed my foot on the brake I was so surprised by Michael's willingness. Luke was nodding eagerly, obviously realising that it could be a good idea to go along with what he was suggesting.

I left them to talk out the plans as I smiled to myself. Knowing securely that we were going to get our hands on that book.


this story is so different but do you like where this is going? i have no idea but enjoy it anyway? c:

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