nine days and counting

921 65 11

stella - saturday

Ashton's reassurance helped me calm down from the whole event and by the time they all fell asleep, I was feeling so much better.

Dylan had curled up into her little ball, pushing me closer to the sleeping boy on the other side of me. His curls had fallen in his face and he looked so peaceful that I tried my hardest not to move and disturb him.

When I regained conciousness earlier, Dylan promised me she was onto something. We needed to know what was going on and, after what happened, we knew this was more serious than what we had initially thought.

I could tell the boys knew something we didn't and they were definitely trying their hardest to keep it from us. Our plan was probably going to watch the boys more than we did so Dylan could be sneaky about it and feel more like sherlock holmes than she probably needed to.

Luckily, she was the first one to wake up and after realising the boys were still knocked out she grabbed my arm and all but pulled me out of bed and through the door. It was difficult trying to not step on Calum who was sprawled happily in between the bed and the doorway.

For some reason, I felt lke they weren't use to sleeping in the same room on the floor this way and I couldn't help but wonder if it was because of us. Did they not trust us?

Well, considering we had managed to easily sneak past us they were shit security guards.

I felt weird sitting in the kitchen. There wasn't much mess, it just didn't look very lived in. Curiously, Dylan opened the fridge and a couple of cupboards before sitting on the counter with me. There was nothing but vegemite and I wondered where Ashton's parents were.

"They know something." I was pulled out of my worry for the boy asleep upstairs and back to our reality. I should be worried about us, we were obviously in danger. "Also, this." She handed me another envelope and I froze.

Dylan's voice suddenly seemed thousands of miles away as she went on muttering about the boys. My fingers trailed the ripped open top before reaching in to pull out yet another note. Hesitantly, I turned it over to read yet more threatening words. My head felt light as I took in what it said.

                                                                  doing what I say right now, my dear

                                                                  won't ever keep you in the clear

There was no doubt that, at least this note, was a threat directed soley towards me. Dylan was still talking as I shook my head to clear the frightened buzz that had surrounded me. I watched her write in her book for a few minutes before storming up to the boys. 

"Stel what the fuck, come back! You'll wake them up!" She half whispered, half shouted behind me. That was exactly my plan as I flung open the door to Ashton's room.

All four of the boys shot up, their eyes wide but clouded with sleep. 

"What the hell, Stella?" Michael looked pissed but I could gauruntee his anger was nothing compared to mine at that moment.

"I want to know everything. You're hiding something and this isn't just about you! I am being personally threatened and if you want an innocent girl's death or kidnapping on your concious then be my guest and keep us in the dark!" 

Dylan whispered something similar to wrong approach behind me but I couldn't care less about her stupid mystery detective rules right now. I watched carefully as the boys exchanged glances and stretched the sleep from their bones. 

It was silent for a good few minutes and I was starting to regret having opened my mouth until Michael sighed and Luke gestured towards Ashton's bed.

"You might want to sit down for this."

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