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do you like ashton or nah?

he's cool. i mean, it's difficult knowing they're so close with people that are actually pretty dangerous. but, he's kind to me so i guess he's a good friend. i like how caring he is, it's cute.

feelings towards ashton?

none. i mean, he's good looking. very good looking and sweet but with everything going on i don't think something like that is on my mind. i just want to get away from all this creepy stuff

who do you think it is?

i have no clue. dylan keeps telling me we're getting close but i feel like i'm being lead on a wild goose chase! i don't want to be scared anymore. i have a feeling me and dylan are wrong, or i'm missing something obvious but i don't know what!

do you like ashton?

why does everyone keep asking this!?


who were you on a date with?

this older boy, like i told stella! we met and he was actually interested in me. he's so gorgeous! shit, i think i'd do anything to keep his interest in me, i'm so lucky to have it in the first place! haha

why you gotta treat stella like she's stupid?

well... i mean, she is, you know? only sometimes! she just misses things and doesn't think them through logically. i love her lots (which is why only i can say this or else i'm kicking your ass!) but she's a bit blonde at times


do you like stella or not man like what r u doing brah?

i think i have for a long time. we've sat at that table since they joined the school and she's always made me laugh, always up for a laugh and rarely offended so gets on well with our, uh, boy humour. she's intelligent and amazing and kind and i care about her a lot. i didn't think i did but with all these happened it's starting to become obvious.


so yeah. yeah i think i do. 

are you sending the notes?

with the knowledge of purposefully hurting stella? or poisioning myself? no, no i'd never do something like that.


why you so rude?

why do people have to be so damn nosey?

do you have anger issues or are you just totally stressed out with everything?

i have a short temper, everyone knows that dammnit! i just snap sometimes.

do you actually hate stella and dylan or are you just trying to act like a badass?

i don't hate them. i think dylan is being a nosey bitch and she got them both mixed up in whatever the fuck is going on! stella just follows her and it's annoying. all those damn sly questions making us second guess everything and then running out on us not letting us explain! if anything, i'm more annoyed with dylan. her being so nosey just doesn't sit well with me

are you sending the notes?

i wouldn't harm any of my best mates. they've stuck with me through everything 


are you sending the notes?

fuck that! those notes are scaring the hell out of me. i don't uh, i don't get why they keep attacking us. it's stupid


are you sending the notes?

and getting myself beaten up? nah man i'm not about that

mrs. longbottom:

what's your sons name?

my grandson is called neville, if that's what you're asking sweetie!


what colour is your hair?

well it's definitely not natural. take what you want from that! haha

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