nine days and counting

827 53 4

ashton - saturday

"You might want to sit down for this." Michael still looked pissed as he watched the two girls cautiously make their way to my bed.

In any other situation I might have enjoyed the idea of two pretty girls making their way to my bed but I knew this wasn't the right time to think of something like that.

I leant back, resting on my headboard as I felt the bed dip where they sat.

"Look, we're the-"

"Friends with the Ding Dong Ditchers." I immediately cut Calum off, not wanting to tell them our actual secret. "And no we can't tell you who they are." I watched Dylan close her mouth and lower her finger knowing she would have asked in some sly way. I heard Calum mutter a what the fuck but shook my head.

"Are they sending us these notes?" Anger had never left Stella's features. Her eyebrows were furrowed into a loose v and I mentally slapped myself when I found myself staring even while Michael spoke.

"Yes. Our friends are threatening our lives." The emphasis on friends sounded as if he was mocking the girls but we all knew he was making a comment towards my lying to them.

"Well who?" Dylan looked annoyed now and it seemed that we were all just getting angry at each other. I watched Calum explain to her the first time we ever got an envelope and the couple we've recieved recently as Michael reached into the draw behind him to pull them out and pass them to the girls.

Silently, they looked through them as we all shared yet another few worried glances. We had no idea how the girls were going to take this and honestly, I think we were kind of worried about them and not just us. We really didn't want something to happen to them because of us.

I was desperate to know what they were thinking but wanted them to be the ones that broke the silence that they created in the first place. Stella had ended up with all of the envelopes and placed them on the bed between us.

"So what do we do about it?"

I'm not sure why what happened next, happened. I don't know what the final switch was but it was obviously a big one as Michael flipped.

"We are not doing anything together. You're fucking concious now so you're going to walk your pretty little ass out of that fucking door and stay the hell away from us. I don't know what the hell is going on but i swear to motherfucking hell, nothing was wrong till you two opened your fat fucking mouths."

Michael exhaled loudly through his nose, sounding as if he was trying to calm down a little. Calum put his hand on Mikey's arm to stop him from doing anything stupid. Whenever he lost his temper, he tended to flip out and hit something to let off steam. Being stuck in a small room with five other people wasn't the best thing for him right now.

"Just get out and sort yourselves out because guess what, we don't care." Both Stella and Dylan's mouths were hanging open and honestly, I was as surprised as they looked. Without a word, they got up and left.

All I did was watch them go, knowing the danger they were in.

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