thirteen days and counting

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stella - tuesday

It was past midnight and I was still awake. My headphones were in playing Sum 41's song 'Still Waiting' and I was happy scrolling down my tumblr dash. I had heard my parents go to bed around ten and knew I had to stay quiet. They hated it when I woke them up as I often stayed up scarily late usually hooked on tumblr.

Before I knew it, I had been scrolling down my dash for an hour - liking and reblogging multiple band posts and clothes I wish I could have. There were also all of the funny text posts that I found myself giggling quietly at.

My music stopped abruptly, telling me someone was calling me. A picture of Dylan sticking her tongue out at the screen popped up and I was quick to slide 'answer'. I knew she usually stayed up late reading her mystery novels but we never talked much at night. She was too into her reading and I was too busy laughing at multiple things on tumblr,

"Stel? Stella, someone's in my house," she sounded panicky and scared, whispering through the phone.

"Dylan it's probably your mum coming home" I knew Dyl's family life wasn't great. Her mum was always out with multiple 'friends'. Her dad had left a few years back with her sister and that's when Dylan really became obsessed with her novels. They gave her a chance to escape.

"She left a note saying she wouldn't be back for two days. Stel I'm scared."  I sat up in bed now, racking my brain for the right thing to say.

"If anything it's probably some robbery, just stay quiet Dyl." We both knew whoever it was wasn't likely to harm her. There was never any deaths or fights in this town.

"Please stay on the phone, just in case something happens?" She left out a small sob and I shh'd her.

"Dyl. Shut up and pretend to sleep, put your head under the covers so they don't see the light of the phone. I'll be here and I'm on my way over now." Quickly, I got up and pulled on my coat and looking for my shoes.

"I have to be quiet now." She said it in a way that sounded like she was talking to herself. I made a small noise to let her know I agreed as I pulled an old pair of boots out of my wardrobe.

I listened intently as I sneaked past my parents room and down the stairs. I knew it was fine to leave out of my front door and leave it unlocked. No one was likely to come sneaking into my house. The chance of two crimes happening at once in this town was impossible.

I could hear soft whispers through the phone - two boys. There were small snores and an even breathing stopping me from listening to what they were saying and I knew Dylan was doing a good job at pretending to sleep.

Lucky for me, she only lived a few blocks away and I could run down two alleys and get to her road in less than five minutes. It sucked that neither of us could drive yet. We were both old enough but Dyl never had enough money for lessons and I had failed my test. In embarrassment, I told my parents I wasn't ready.

Both alleys were dark and I probably would have pussied out if it wasn't for my friend being scared. When I reached the end of the last alley I heard a car starting up in the silence. the people who broke in.

It was also then that I heard Dylan's voice again. "They've left, please hurry." 

I slowed my walk on her road, the headlights facing me. I concentrated on putting one foot in front of the other, acting like it was normal for me to be out at this time. The car was moving slowly in my direction as if they didn't want to rev their engine and wake people up.

I attempted to get a look but the lights were blinding me. Instead, I talked to Dyl.

"They're leaving your road, right past me. I'm like five houses away, are you okay?" 

"Thank you Stel. I'm sorry about this." The car had turned the corner so I broke out into a short run towards my friend's house. 

"Is the door unlocked?"


"Here then." I hung up the phone as I pushed open her door, kicking off my shoes because I know it annoys her. I tripped in pain outside of her door, stepping on something I hadn't seen in my rush. I bent down, carefully holding the thing that had hurt me.

Slowly now, I opened her bedroom door after slipping the thing in my pocket. I wasn't ready to show her till after she calmed down. She was sat in bed in tears, holding her legs to her chest. I sat by her, putting my arm around her and pulling her into my chest. Softly, I stroker the side of her head like my mum use to do when I had nightmares.

"They were here, in my room Stella! Why were they in my room!" She sobbed in between her words and I wasn't sure how to calm her down.

"Want your book?" I knew her writing down ideas about what happened was going to make her feel better. She nodded and I headed to her chest of drawers where she kept  her detective journal hidden amongst her underwear. 

I tugged open the drawer, hearing her sobs lessen. Moving all her underwear to the side, I searched for the journal, almost frantically.

"Dyl..." I paused as she stopped her crying. She let out a small 'no', obviously guessing what was coming next. "I think I know why they were in your room..." 


not many people are reading this but hey i'm enjoying it c:

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