five days and counting

812 55 4

ashton - wednesday

I spent most of my day in school yesterday looking for Stella. Or Dylan, who I knew would ultimately be with her. I checked anywhere I could think of but didn't seem to be able to find them anywhere. 

Michael was annoyed with me when we drove back to my house claiming that I hadn't spent time thinking about the ding dong ditch of the night. Calum was also being moody having to explain to everyone how he 'fell over' and messed up the side of his face.

"Do you even know who we're targeting tonight, airhead?" Michael all but growled at me as we prepared the note to add onto the bell.

"Yeah. That jerk Billy Sanders," I wasn't completely out of it, I knew that Billy was a natural jerk who continuously annoyed the hell out of everyone. I knew that we needed this for a little normality. Well, as normal as our lives were.

Michael eyed me for a second or two then shrugged, happy that I knew something.

I just couldn't help but feel terrible. She thought we attacked her, after I had purposefully told her I wouldn't let any harm come to her or Dylan. I just wanted to know if she was okay and tell her what had really happened that night.

"I've decided I'm going to punch the next person who mentions my face." Calum had his head way too close to his mirror and staring at his bruising cheek.

"I'll help if you help me find Stella tomorrow." I tugged up my jeans and buttoned them, grabbing my shoes.

"Know what, deal. Four fists is better than two." Luke scoffed as he threw some of my clothes around, searching for his own jeans.

I grabbed up the bell from Michael, taking it so neither him or Calum could break it before they could place it outside of Billy's door. I mumbled a 'I'll be in the car' before running down the stairs, wanting to start the car so it warmed up for me and Luke.

They joined me a little while later, Luke still doing up his jeans as he was obviously rushed out by the other two.

We got to his road pretty quickly so I parked a few houses from his.

"Be quick, boys." 

"Good luck." I smiled at them as they jumped out, closing the doors as quietly as they could. "You sure Billy's a deep sleeper?" Luke nodded as we sat there. I was always worried when they went into a house and found myself tapping my fingers against the wheel of my car.

A car started to come down the road and parked a few houses further than us. A man who looked like he was in his young twenties stepped out and slammed the door shut. He was dressed all in back and for some reason I grabbed Luke's shoulder and pulled us both down. 

Luke quickly tugged a black beanie on, covered his light hair as I did the same. 

"Why are we hiding?"

"Bad feeling." I muttered, keeping my eyes trained onto the man. He looked our way, staring at the car for longer than necessary. He walked down the opposite side of the road and, when he had almost passed us, he waved. Waved and stared exactly at us.

Neither of us spoke, too shoked to do anything. He carried on walking, right towards Billy's house.

"Text them. Right now. Get them out the back and over the fence, we'll drive round." I started up the car, flooring the accelerator.

"Why the fuck did he wave? Who the hell was he?" Luke tapped away quickly, shaking his head. I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say.

We pulled round to the other side of the houses, parking right behind Billy's house. Calum's head popped up over the fence as he clambered over. He stood on a bin and grabbed hold of Michael's shoulders, tugging him over too. They fell and had to quickly scramble off of each other, sprinting towards the car.

"Who the hell were you on about Luke?" They dived into the car, Mikey slamming his door. It was then that the man's head popped up over the fence, him climbing over too. I slammed my foot on the accelerator yet again. Luke pointed at the man who landed perfectly on his feet, watching us drive away.

I noticed the man watching us through the rear view mirror. I felt like he was looking right at me as he smiled. It wasn't a nice one, it was a creepy 'be prepared' smile and I felt my mouth run dry as we turned the corner.

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