four days and counting

759 56 15

ashton - thursday

"Who the fuck was that?"

"Why the hell did they wave at us in the car?"

"They only waved at you? They chased us through the house!"

"More like we ran and they were all walk really fast all scary and confident looking!"

I walked into my house after the boys, letting them bounce their questions off of each other. The man had given me the creeps and I had been silent since we drove away from him.

What really bugged me was how I felt like I recognised the face. Before driving to the back of the house, I had caught a good glimpse of him and that had set of warning and recognition bells that had made me pull Luke down to try and hide.

It bugged me that I couldn't remember where I had seen him before or how I knew he was dangerous.

"Ashton, next time we ding dong ditch can we take a knife? You know, for protection?" Michael was waving his hand in front of my face when I snapped back to reality. I nodded, knowing that I'd feel safer if they had something.

"We're going to do it again?" Calum looked between us like we were idiots. Which, in a way, I guess we were.

"You want to let them get to us?" I rose an eyebrow at Calum when he nodded so quick he looked like a nodding dog being shaken around by a real dog.

"How else do you suppose we find out who it is?" Luke spoke up from his position on my bed. We all turned to him, confused and he gestured for us to sit down on the bed.

"Lukey boy has a plan? An actual plan?" Michael's mockery was followed with a shut up and glare from Luke before he started to explain what he was thinking. It may have been two in the morning and we had school the next day but we didn't care.

I went to grab a bottle of water out of the fridge, hoping that would calm my nerves. When I reached in however, my hand landed on paper.

Knowing exactly what it was, I pulled out the envelope and sighed. I ripped it open and read what message this man had left me this time.

Have a drink

Maybe it'll help you think

Annoyed, I tossed the envelope on the side and grabbed a bottle - pouring it into a glass. I wasn't even going to worry about the note. It was no outright threat so why would I bother? Walking back into the room, I went to take a sip from the glass.


so all i got from that was a lot of you are v confused? cx

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