thirteen days and counting

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ashton - tuesday

"I told them to get out." Luke was sitting shotgun next to me. We had a deal that it was Michael or Calum who entered a house as I was needed in case of a fast get away and Luke was so clumbsy he often tripped over his own feet. Another deal was that we were never in a house longer than five minutes.

As we were actually trying to find something this time, the two boys inside were pushing our time limits and I was nervously tapping my foot. Thankfully, they actually listened to us and came half-running out of the door a couple of seconds later.

They piled into the back seat, giggling slightly as Calum ended up tangling himself with Michael. In Michael's hands was Dylan's little brown book, yet another smug look on his face. He waved it around a little and Calum grinned.

"Never guess where we had to go to get that," I started up the car, glad for a quiet engine as I started to drive away at a speed of about 10 mph.

"You went in her underwear drawer, didn't you?" Luke sounded as if he was scolding someone but was grinning at the boys. They carried on speaking about her underwear as I scouted the area - checking for anyone that may have seen us. There was a girl walking towards up, seemingly popping out of nowhere.

"Who's that?" I nodded to the left side of the road and they shut up, all staring at the girl.

"She looks like..." 

"Stella." Luke finished Calum's sentence. I could tell we were all holding our breaths as we passed her. She had a phone held to her ear and seemed to be looking at a house behind us.

We passed without a problem but stayed silent until I was pulling up at my house. My parents were barely home so the boys often stayed at mine. We often shared clothes and, as they sneaked out of their houses they often said we just left to go to school early.

"Was Dylan really asleep, Cal? You checked and said yes." I was unlocking my door as Michael broke our joint silence.

"She was curled up under covers snoring!" Calum pulled his top off as we were in my house, tossing it into my washing basket that sat just inside the laundry room by the door. He always seemed to strip just as we got in rather than putting the clothes there later.

"If she was under covers she wouldn't have seen you anyway..." Luke sat down on the stairs, looking thoughtful.

"We'll just see how tomorrow goes. We only have," I paused to check the watch that was wrapped around my wrist. "five hours of sleep. Can we?" I gestured up the stairs and they nodded. We all quickly went about our nightly routines of washing and undressing and before long I was laying in my bed beside Michael. 

I refused to let anyone sleep in my parents bed and we only had one other guest room. It was usual for us to share rather than sleeping on the floor.

"Aren't you worried Ash?" I thought about Michael's question before answering.

"A hell of a lot. There's nothing we can do." It was true. If we were found out god only knows what would happen to us. We had never specifically hurt anyone but we had targeted quite a few of the top local cops' houses and I don't think they'd take it lightly. I was worried for the boys and what would happen to them but, no matter how much I racked my brain, I couldn't think of a way to solve our problems.

Michael's heavy breathing interrupted my thoughts and I turned over hoping sleep would find me. It didn't and I stayed tossing and turning all night. I was close to drifting off finally when both mine and Michael's alarms started going off.

Rubbing my eyes, I unlocked my phone and turned it off. There was no chance the boy next to me was going to get up without a little help so I kicked out my leg causing him to half fall off the bed.

"You fucker!" He stood and stretched, thankfully turning off his annoying alarm. I could hear the other two bickering down the hall, probably coming to get some clothes so they could get ready.

✘ ✘ ✘ ✘

We were use to not having much sleep but we weren't use to something shaking us up so bad. I felt like a zombie as we walked from my car to the school. Luke's hand shot out and grabbed my arm, gripping tight.

"What the hell Luke, get off!" I wasn't in the mood for whatever he was doing. He stayed silent and motioned towards the left of the school main entrance. Standing there was Dylan, her eyes red. Next to her was Stella and I could see that they looked almost as bad as I felt. They obviously didn't sleep much later.

"Just keep walking, don't look." The boys nodded as I pushed Luke's hand off of me. I didn't take my own advice however and glanced towards the two girls. Dylan had her back to us now but Stella caught my eye and glared. I'm sure my gulp was audible as we scurried past.


i feel like i'm spitting these out so I really hope anyone reading is enjoying them c:

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