three days and counting

708 53 11

ashton - friday

"I am going to fuck that Dan boy up."

"Don't swear!" I replied to Michael who hadn't stopped pacing since we had gotten home. Calum had gone outside to kick a ball about and Luke had disappeared somewhere too, annoyed by Michael's unwillingness to sit still.

"We have to target the twins. We have to go tonight." He decided, finally stopping and staring at me with determination.

"Can't tonight, Clifford. Stella is coming over." 

"Well we can't Saturday because of your stupid rule!" I never let us go out on a Saturday to ding dong ditch because I knew it was the one night people were likely to be up late. Friday most people were too tired to even consider staying up and any other night they ususally had work or school meaning an early night.

Saturday was dangerous so I banned it at the very beginning.

"We'll do it Sunday or Monday then, Mikey. Just calm down." He sighed at me before flopping down onto my bed. I patted his leg awkwardly, not knowing how to calm him down properly without getting him to let out his anger on my spare room.

"We should talk to Stella with you." Shocked, I turned to face him. Last time I checked, Michael didn't give a care in the world what Stel felt like and didn't want anything to do with her. "Did you not see her today? She looked scared shitless."

I glared at Michael for swearing again before trying to remember what Stella had looked like. I remember her being paler than usual but guessed it had been something to do with makeup. 

Luke and Calum appeared at my doorway then, stopping as if they were vampires that had to be invited in.

"What?" I questioned them. I was thinking that they were questioning whether it was safe to come in depending on if Michael had calmed down yet. What I didn't expect was them to come in followed by Stella herself. I took note of her green day t-shirt and smiled slightly. "Oh yeah. Stella's coming round tonight." Michael laughed at the fact that I hadn't mentioned it to anyone.

"Really? I would have never guessed." Luke deadpanned, glaring at me. I shrugged in response.

"Come sit Stella." I patted the bed next to me after pushing Michael's legs out of the way. He grumbled but sat up, making room for her. She didn't sit down though and crossed her arms instead, suddenly looking angry and confident.

"I am not sitting on a bed of a low-life loser that attacks girls when they've done nothing wrong!" Luke and Calum mirrored my look of shock and I could bet that Michael looked similar to us three as we stared at Stel.

Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair to push it out of my face before looking directly into her eyes. "We were at your house but we didn't attack you." She scoffed not believing a word I said. I looked to Michael for help.

"We didn't. We were upstairs because we had gotten some letter that you were in trouble and mr. hero over here" he nudged me with his foot "wanted to come save the damsel in distress."

"We heard you come in and were going to creep out of your front door but then we saw the man in black attack you." Her arms had dropped to her sides now and I felt like she was believing us. I didn't want her to think that I, that we would ever attack her.

"You did well beating him down but me and Ashton stopped him from coming after you by jumping on him. Which is when I got hit in the face with an umbrella." Calum winced as he spoke as if remembering the incident caused him direct pain. I felt bad for him, he always seemed to be the one getting beaten up.

She slid down the wall behind her, her head in her hands. "Then why did the note say the stranger was upstairs?" 

"You really trust these notes?" Michael scoffed. He had a point though. Whoever was sending these notes was messing with us and it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"Were you a blonde that got attacked after someone got told that a blonde would?" She fired back at him and I couldn't help smiling at her reply, proud that she had snapped at Michael. He didn't have a response and instead just shrugged which left me even prouder of her.

"Look, Stel. It wasn't us. We don't know who it was or why but we're sorry it happened." I spoke softly, wanting her forgiveness desperately. She looked at all the other boys before her eyes landed on me and she shrugged.

"Buy me a whole takeaway pizza and you're forgiven." Michael sat up properly then, leaping forward so his head was at the end of the bed next to me. 

"I want one too or you won't forgive him!" He practically shouted, looking like an over excited puppy. Thankfully, she laughed along.

"What he said. One for all of us or else!" The other boys cheered and I laughed, shaking my head. I got up from the bed and held my hand out for Stella to grab onto. She did and I pulled her up, ready to follow the rest of the boys down the stairs but before I could, she pulled my back, our hands still held together.

"I'm sorry I doubted you, Ashton." She smiled at me apologetically and I couldn't help but pull her in for a hug, grinning.

"I'm just glad everything's okay now."


would you be interested in a q+a with all the characters. like, you leave questions for them and they'll answer? i thought it could give you an easy insight to them and stuff that i can't just write down without leaving the storyline completely.

you'd be able to ask all characters (stel, dylan, ashton, luke, calum, michael, fran, dan, the man who waved, the girl who asked too many questions, the headteacher, mrs. longbottom, the attacker, the person at ashton's window and the one that hit calum, idk if there's more but)

i obviously won't give away what happens but you could ask things like why michael doesn't like stella or dylan much or who dylan's date was or something idek 

please just comment if you would be interested c:

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