three days and counting

668 45 3

stella - friday

I was nervous walking towards my table at lunch. I had stayed behind with my English teacher to talk about any extra credit I could do to make up for missing the past two days and was now going to walk right into the twins firing questions.

Me and Calum shared a history class but he had been the only one I had seen out of the boys so far today. He had a bandage wrapped around his head, glaring at anyone that asked, and I couldn't help but feel like he deserved it for attacking me.

I scolded myself for that because I knew how bad head injuries could be then worried myself with the question of is he okay?

Calum being in did let me know that, if he was in with a head injury, the rest of the boys would be. As soon as I stepped into the caferteria, I found my table with my eyes. They were all there with Dylan and the twins friends. I kept an eye on the table while I picked up a pasta pot from the lunch lady, waiting for Fran and her twin to sit down and start.

I took a deep breath before I got to the table and sat myself next to Ashton and opposite Dylan. On my other side was the spare seat of the twins. Quickly, I pulled open my pot and started to eat. I was scared to talk and didn't want to listen to the boys who had attacked me so decided to stay quiet instead.

Ashton pulled me out of my silence by shaking my arm.

"We need to talk." His eyes were wide and honest, his bottom lip pushed out a little into a small pout.

"I have nothing to say to you." I gulped then tried to put my head up high. I wasn't brave and they scared me now. I noticed the way they stood way above me height wise with broad shoulders and toned arms.

"You have to let me explain. Please, Stel." The other boys had shut up and were staring at our encounter. Michael had his eyebrow raised whereas Luke was smiling. I wish I was like Edward Cullen and could read minds.

"Explain what? Why you attacked me like that? Why you were in my house? There's a lot to explain, Irwin." I pulled my arm away from his hold and turned back to my pasta. I heard him sigh but refused to look that way again.

"Trouble in paradise, Stella?" I recognised Fran's voice and my head whipped up to see her sit down next to me, grinning. Her twin sat himself next to Dylan with the same grin plastered onto his face.

"What are you on about, Fran?" The pasta that was on my fork fell as my mouth stayed slightly open. There was absolutely no paradise at this stupid table.

"Oh, come on!" Fran laughed, looking between me and Ashton. That made both Michael and Dylan snort with laughter before the rest of the table but us cracked up. I stared in disbelief between everyone then shook my head.

Ashton stayed just as silent as me, burning holes in his own food.

"It's no fun when you don't react!" She nudged me and I shrugged in response.

"Yeah, getting a reaction is always the best part." Fran's twin smirked at Ashton, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed. "You got any goss on the Ding Dong Ditchers?"

"What even is your name?" I couldn't help myself, I was sick of calling him Fran's twin. I couldn't help but wonder if his name was as strange as the name Fran.

"Dan." He held out his hand as if he expected me to shake it. Hesitantly, I lifted my own hand up and shook his, confused by his actions. "Seriously, I heard some shit went down at Billy Sanders the other day?" He turned back to face the boys.

The other day? I looked up at Dylan who was staring at me with the same expression on her face. Did the boys really meet the Ding Dong Ditchers at Billy's house?

"Uh, yeah. We heard that too" Michael was playing with his food as he spoke which was strange because he usually boasted about it.

Fran leaned in, too close to me for my liking, and spoke in what I guess she thought was a whisper. "We think we might know who the Ding Dong Ditchers are." She wiggled her eyebrows and I choked on the pasta that I didn't get to swallow due to my shock.

Ashton patted my back as I chugged back some of the water he had handed me. "Really? Luke was hesitant about asking as he shared a look with Calum.

"Yeah. Going to the paper on Tuesday with all our evidence." Dan chuckled proudly as he fist bumped with one of their friends.

"As scary as they are, they need to be outed. Like, now." Fran was nodding enthusiastically whereas the boys just sat there. Their expressions were blank but I could guess they were worried about their friends. Everyone knew the chief of police wasn't happy when they ding dong ditched his daughter.

We didn't talk much after that. Well, the twins and their friends did but our end of the table was silent. I watched Dylan give Fran a thumbs up out of the corner of my eye. I also knew Dyl was trying to get my attention subtly but I purposefully kept my eyes on my food.

I knew she would be telling me about how it was all down to me now and I had to find a way to distract the boys friday, saturday and sunday. Honestly, I wanted to keep as much distance as possible after being attacked.

Already, I knew Michael was out of the picture because he obviously doesn't like Dyl and I very much. I couldn't imagine convincing Luke to do anything and Calum seemed to be the one I had hit with an umbrella, meaning I was left with Ashton.

I glanced at the boy next to me to find him already staring at me. I rose my eyebrows instead of looking away and he leant a little closer, as if he was going to whisper into my ear.

"You gotta let me explain about the other day." He spoke lowly, trying not to catch anyone's attention. I silently thanked the lord for giving me the perfect excuse, even if it meant listening to a lot of bullshit.

"Fine. But I'm coming to your house, okay?"

"Okay." He sat up straight and faked coughed, trying to pretend nothing just happened. Nothing passed by Dyl though and, when I was trapped in eye contact with her questioning look, I nodded.

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