seven days and counting

832 62 7

stella - monday

"I'm glad the boys aren't helping us. I think we're doing okay on our own." Dylan had made a list of all the people that she thought could possibly be the ones sending the notes. 

"I think we need to find out what the hell they're hiding from us, Dyl!" She knew I was still scared about what happened and placed her arm around me.

"Stel, I won't let anything happen to you." She squeezed her arm and I sighed, calming myself down before last lesson finished and we had to walk home. I hated monday's with a passion.

I couldn't seem to walk anywhere without being paranoid. Every corner I turned forced me to look around in fear and any noises I heard while walking home after splitting with Dylan made me shiver. 

Dyl had noticed my paranoia and offered to miss a night course she was going on to come home with me and sit with me until I fell asleep but I knew what the course meant to her. She was dying to make her applications look good by doing as much as she could that was english related and what kind of friend would I be if I stopped her from doing so?

I felt relieved when I pushed my key into my lock. As I did so, a phone went off near me and my relief didn't last long as I flew into my house and slamming the door in the process.

Locking my door - something I never usually did - I took deep breaths to calm myself down. I dropped my bag by the door and put the key on the hook, mentally telling myself that my panic was unjustified.

I'm not sure how i knew but as I stepped into my kitchen, I could feel something was off. Freezing by the doorway, my eyes travelled along all the counters before coming to a stop on an envelope that looked familiar. 

I ran towards it, terrified and ripped it open. Unsure of how it even got into my house when no one had been in the whole day and I was the last one to leave and lock up, I hoped it wasn't what I thought it was.

Pulling out the note, I let the envelope fall as a hand flew to my mouth.

                                                            your home is in danger

                                                            better check upstairs for that stranger

In my panic, I had failed to hear the soft footsteps coming from above me. It sounded as if someone was creeping down the hallway to the stairs and, knowing I made enough noise to let whoever it was know I was home.

I stuck my hand in my pocket, trying to grab my phone quickly as I made my way back out of the kitchen. Looking up the stairs, I couldn't see anyone but I couldn't keep my eyes there as I had to unlock the door and call the police.

Successfully tugging the key off it's hook, I placed it into the lock as I typed 999 into the emergency call option keypad.

I could vaguely hear footsteps making their way down the stairs as adreneline pushed me to hurry with opening the door.

Don't let them get you. Get out the door. Don't let them get you. Get out the door.

A hand was on my arm that was holding the phone, forcing it onto the floor and pulling me back into the house. I tried screamed as another hand was holding onto my mouth to stop me from alerting the neighbours but it came out muffled. 

Flashbacks of being attacked the previous time clouded my brain as I wiggled against my captator. I heard him grunt as I elbowed some part of his body. I lunged for the umbrella stand next to the door and whirled around, eyes closed, swinging widly.

The umbrella came into contact with something and, without checking the damage I made, I turned to flee. I ran and I ran, not knowing where I was going until I hadn't heard footsteps behind me for a good ten minutes.

Dylan's house wasn't an option and my subconcious seemed to know that as I looked up at the tattered house I had sprinted a good twenty minutes to. I stumbled up to the door, tears falling as I knocked. I collapsed against the door and waited outside the house, watching the road in fear.

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