one day and counting

635 50 16

stella - sunday

"Dyl, can you come over?"

"It's eight am on a sunday morning and you want me to fucking come over?" She sounded like she had just woken up and I giggled, knowing she wasn't the best morning person.

"Something's going on tomorrow and I think we need to go." I put emphasis on the 'something' hoping she would understand that it was the finality of whatever had been going on the past two weeks. I heard some chatter through the phone and then Dyl whipser/shouting a shut up before there was a small crash. "Who's there?"

"Just the TV and I dropped the phone while I was trying to shut it up." I nodded, a force of habit even though she obviously couldn't see me. "I'll come over right now."

I hung up after agreeing, dropping back onto my pillow. I know I told the boys not to worry about Monday and make the most out of these two days but I couldn't stop thinking about how dangerous tomorrow could really be.

If you think about what had already been done to us: the school attack with a gun, the break into my house, and the two people Ashton had told me about that broke into his house, it was scary enough. Now, they were purposely invited them to a place they already knew they were going to visit claiming there would be tricks and the boys couldn't flee.

And I was planning on going with them.

I heard Dylan outside my door even before she knocked and invited her to come in as soon as her knuckles hit the door once. She grinned at me and I did the same back, feeling as though I hadn't seen her in forever.

"Tell me what's been happening!" She was quick to settle in next to me, both of us laying on our backs as we looked up at my ceiling.

I told her. I spilled my guts out about what happened with Ashton and the other three, about the note and about what's been happening to them recently with the water and attack. She laughed and gasped at all the right places, asking questions here and there and it felt great to be talking to her.

When I got to the news about the new note, I found myself reluctant to tell her. Maybe it was because I didn't like the idea of pulling my best friend into even more danger but I couldn't find the words.

She realised though and was quick to prompt me. "There's something else, isn't there? About what you said on the phone?"

I nodded and took a deep breath, propping myself up in a seated position as I recalled the note from the day before.

"No tricks from us today, a different story on monday. We'll be where you are, don't stay in your car. come find me, don't bother trying to flee." I recited, the words etched into my brain. "Something's going down tomorrow and I want to go." The words tumbled out of my mouth, scared for the judgment Dyl was probably going to have on my decision.

I had my eyes squeezed shut, terrified to see the look on Dylan's face so was completely surprised when I felt her arms wrap around me in a friendly side hug.

"We'll go. But you need to bring that umbrella because damn does it hurt people good." I chuckled, feeling like a weight had been lifted off of my shoulders now that I knew she was going to come with me.

A knot in my stomach still hadn't left though but, following the advice I gave the boys, I pushed the feeling away.


so i can either cut this off and just explain everything in one chapter


they can find out the basic truth and i can make a sequel and have them find out all of the story why in that..

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