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Dylan stood up after he entered, his gaze never leaving her. There were still moans coming from Stella who was sprawled out on the floor slightly behind her standing body.

She was shorter than Ashton but with her obvious experience at firing the gun she held comfortably in her hand she seemed a whole ten feet taller. He nervously flicked his eyes between her and Stella, the person he cared about more than himself right now and questioned how he was going to get himself out of the situation he seemed stuck in.

She spoke, he concentrated his ears. His eyes stayed on the crumpled mess that was his friend and the gun in the crazy girl's hand.

Just push and shove and run. Push. Shove. Run.

He mentally prepared himself while trying to keep his scared and worried look on his face. If he stood any chance he needed the element of surprise to be on his side as he attacked.

She was watching the worry on his face, happy with having the upper hand on this dick she'd known all too long. She was going to get him back for what he had been doing, for disrupting the natural order in which she use to steal.

Just as she was finished her speech and started to raise the gun, he jolted forward and pushed her down, the gun flying from her hand. He stamped on her wrist, then gritted his teeth to kick her in the stomach.

He never wanted to hurt a girl, he had been taught not to hit a girl. But the sight of Stella a mess on the floor needing help made him protective, let him know it was hurt Dylan a little and flee, be killed or kill Dylan. He didn't want to kill her.

Stella was easy to pick up, even if she wasn't stick thin and tiny. He had always worked out and it came in handy lifting her so easily as he turned.

Dylan was groaning, unsure of whether to support her wrist or her stomach as she blurrily watched Ashton step over her with a bundle in his arms.

"I will find you Ashton Irwin. We will make you pay for how you ruined us!"

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