seven days and counting

774 63 9

ashton - monday

We watched her run away from us a second time, scared by the thought of us being the ones who attacked her. Furious, I turned to Calum and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"You fucking idiot! Now she thinks we were there!" I didn't like to swear or raise my voice but I didn't like the idea of Stella alone.

"We were." Michael deadpanned. I knew he didn't like us walking round after Stella but when you get a note saying not to let her go home alone, you tend to get a little worried.

It had been slipped into my bag at some point. The words were still stuck in my brain, like they had been burned there.

                                                               leaving a poor girl alone

                                                               might cause a broken bone.

I hated that someone was being threatened and it made me feel so much worse that the reason why she was in a target line of whoever idiot is sending these notes is because of us just made me feel worse.

"We were there but we weren't the ones who attacked her! You know that!" I looked desperately at each of them, hoping they realised how bad this could have been.

In fact, we were upstairs and, once we heard Stella walk into her house, we made our way to the stairs to say hello. I know it might have looked weird but we were going to show her the note and tell her we wanted to check it out. We didn't find anyone so, when someone dressed in black was grabbing onto Stella, we panicked.

Every single one of us froze as we watched her struggle free. Stella running out of the door is what lead to me and Calum diving at her attacker and keeping him down, away from Stella. 

Calum looked like he was about to pass out on the floor and Michael just gave me a look that told me he really didn't give two shits. Luke was the only one who looked sympathetic but even then he just shrugged at me.

Annoyed I stormed out of the room to sit in the kitchen. I placed my head against the cool counter, leaning over and breathed out slowly. The only thing I could think was that we needed to work out who this was.

Luke had followed me, I knew by the way his feet were bent in a strange way as he stood next to me. His hand was patting my back and I looked up at him.

"We need to do something."

"Another ding dong ditch?" Luke nodded and I realised I looked forward to doing something normal.

"But this time, I want to know if they watch us." He had a glint in his eye that told me he was planning something so I just shrugged in response. It was probably the only thing we can do.


there's going to be another update to celebrate this hitting mystery/thriller #837. i never expected anything like that and i'm amazed!

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