six days and counting

767 57 5

stella - tuesday

It was way past one am when I was awoken from my half-sleep on her doorstep.

"Well then, make sure you're going to be there!" I heard her shout-whisper into her phone as she walked up her pathway. I was sitting in the corner of the porch, hugging my bag.

I knew my parents would be home, they weren't like Dylan's mum but I didn't want to be in my house. I wanted to stay away. Scrambling up, I made my way towards Dylan as she went to unlock her door.

"Dyl?" She jumped what looked like three feet into the air and held onto her heart.

"I have to go, bye." Quickly, she pushed her phone into her pocket and smiled at me. "What are you doing here, Stel?" She started to walk into her house and I followed her like a lost puppy.

"I was attacked at my house. It was the boys." She raised an eyebrow at me but didn't look surprised at all.

In fact, she nodded. As if she knew exactly what I was going to say.

"You see the attacker?" I shook my head no and made my way up her stairs, knowing she was going to follow me. Wondering why she asked if I knew it was the boys.

I also vaguely wondered who Dylan had been talking to on the phone at this time at night. I knew she had a couple of friends from her courses that I didn't know but to tell them to be somewhere this late.

"Dyl, why are you so late?" She was undressing, changing her clothes and throwing some spare ones to me. I copied her actions and changed into more comfortable clothes. She didn't reply until she had changed and turned to me.

"Just with some guy."

"From the course? Oh my god, tell me about him." I grinned at her, excitement for something normal and girly rather than something completely out of the ordinary. She jumped into bed next to me and giggled before telling me about the older guy.

"He's real 'bad' looking and god, his voice is hot as hell. He isn't too old but he is just so great, Stel. I'd do anything for him," I wiggled my eyebrows at her and laughed along.

I really couldn't describe how good it felt that night to finally fall asleep without worrying about what the hell was going on in my life. I barely slept properly, I found myself spending less time with my family and getting attacked in places I thought I'd be safe but that night I fell asleep soundlessly and wasn't woken till late the next day.

"Stel you gotta wake up. I told your mum you were sick so we're staying off school but I have an idea."

The sunlight was harsh on my tired eyes so I had to blink multiple times before I could fully focus on Dylan. She looked like she had woken up hours ago and been out all before waking me up.

"Idea?" I yawned as she sat cross-legged in front of me. She nodded as she opened up her detective book.

"We follow the boys. Like, we know they go somewhere at night, right?" Dylan was looking at me, waiting for me to acknowledge what she had said so I nodded.

"And we don't know who the Ding Dong Ditchers could possibly be because they don't hang out with anyone else so..."

"So that must be when they meet them?" Dylan grinned at me like I was her student that just got 100% in her final exam. I scratched my cheek as I yawned yet again.

"We'll do it tomorrow night, yeah?"

"Whatever Dyl, I just want some breakfast." She giggled at me as I pushed myself out of the tangle of her covers and plodded down the stairs.

After such a good sleep, I felt fulfilled knowing we had an actual plan.

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