ten days and counting

878 66 5

stella - friday

Neither me nor Dylan had worked out what the boys were up to. At first, we thought that maybe the note came from the Ding Dong Ditchers and they were messing with us so we'd leave the boys alone but, after talking to both Ashton and Luke, it was obvious someone was sending these notes to all of us.

If it was the Ding Dong Ditchers sending them, then why would they send them to peopel they're obviously friendly with?

I needed to talk to Dylan. I hadn't seen her all day because I skipped out on the only class we had together to sit with Ashton.

The problem was that I was called to the Principal's office at the end of last period to explain why I wasn't in my lesson - to which I replied I had stomach cramps and the principal cringed and sent me away - but now I was late to lunch. There was barely anyone in the halls yet as anyone who didn't get hot food was probably sitting outside due to the uncommon heat we were having.

My hand was wrapped around the door handle and pulling it half open when someone grabbed hold of me. There was a hand over my eyes and an arm around my waist. Something was poking into my side and I let out a loud scream as I dropped the door handle.

"Scream again." I was shoved against the closed door and let out another scream. This shouldn't be happening. Where was everyone? Why was no one coming to help?

I could feel tears threatening to fall as the person shoved the thing poking into my side into me.

"This here, little lady, is a gun. If you even think about turning around while I walk away, I will not be afraid to shoot that pretty face of yours." I nodded, just wanting him to leave as I started to sob. He pulled me slightly away from the door and pushed my side against the wall before letting go of my eyes.

Immediately, I fell to the floor with my head in my arms. I was shaking all over. Why had no one come?

As I thought that, I heard the door fling open causing a shot to go off. I screamed again, completely sure it was aimed at me and I was probably bleeding out already.

"The fuck?" I recognised that voice, I had spoken to him not long ago on the hill. Everything was hurting - my side, my head, my front. I felt disorientated and the last thing I remember before everything went blank was

Ashton's going to watch me die.

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