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Tears were streaming down my face as I listened to thuds and shouts downstairs. Pulling up my jeans, my ankle was already swelling up but I knew it wasn't broken or I wouldn't be able to wiggle my toes.

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I wasn't some girl in the books or movies that could just do everything she wanted and get herself out of the situation but, after I've let these tears out, I refuse to be the type of girl that messes up and needs to be saved.

There were bangs on the door and I frozed, a hand over my mouth, trying to stop the sobs.

"Stel, Stel it's just me!" I scrambled away from the door and propped myself against a metal grate.

"Come in." The door swung open and the first thing I noticed was the gun pointing straight at me.

This is it. This is how I die. 

ashton - monday

"Stel run!" I shouted after watching michael's axe hit the back of the man holding Stella and both of them dropping to the ground. I made she sure had scrambled away before following the boys into whatever we were up against. 

Scouting the room, I noticed three tall men all busy with one of the boys. I wasn't sure who to help at first but, after seeing that Michael still hadn't gotten his axe out of the body convulsing on the floor I rushed over to swing my bat at the man's legs. 

He was knocked down immediately and I slammed my nailed bat into his arm, gritting my teeth at the sound of the nails going through his skin and his shouts.

I opened my eyes to Michael pulling his axe out in horror, staring at the blood on it and shivering. He looked up at me, curling his lip in disgusted and I flashed him a sympathetic look before turning to watch Calum and Luke hold their own.

I couldn't work out who the person in charge must of been, they all seemed fairly level in the way that they were built and their aura, even if I didn't get to see much of the first man's.

My judging of their characters was halted by a loud scream, Stella's loud scream, coming from upstairs where she ran to safety. Michael had already disappeared from my side so I rushed to take the steps two at a time, racing to get to her as soon as I could.

What confused me was the fact that all the doors were closed and nothing seemed disturbed. I couldn't hear any more noises so went for the closest door and flung it open.

"Stella? Stella! Stella, where are you?" It only took a quick glance to judge that there was no one there and I decided to turn right as I came out of the room, moving further down the hallway.

Again with the second room, there was no one in there.

"Make a noise, Stella! Anything!" I stood silent, waiting, hoping I would hear anything from her that would let me not only know where she is but that she was alive.

After a moment of not hearing anything, I carried on to the next door and flung it open yet was still welcomed with nothing.

It was then that I heard the smallest whimper.

My head instantly popped out of the door, staying silent as I strained my ears to hear over the chaos that seemed to still be going on downstairs. Luckily, there was one more slight whimper that let me know I was on the wrong side of the hallway. As fast, but as quitely as I could, I creeped over there and listened for any other clue that would lead me to Stella.

I was by the first door, about to press my ear against it when she screamed out: "Ashton!" from inside. My heart did a double take in shock and, while I was still in recovery, a shot had gone off from in the room that made me throw the door open and stumble inside.

In the few seconds it took to push open the door, I said a short prayer to God, begging Stella to still be breathing. It wasn't until I heard a girl's laugh that I realised my eyes were closed.

"Well, well, well. I bet you didn't expect me to be in on it, did you?" She giggled but it didn't sound like it had previously, it sounded cold and the look she gave me as she sat cross legged in the middle of the floor sent chills up my spine.

She sounded like she wanted to kill me.

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