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ashton - monday

Skipping school seemed like the best thing we could do seems as none of us could even sit still for longer than five minutes without getting up to pace.

We had barely said a word to each other since they turned up my house, not really knowing what the best thing to say to each other would be. I guessed we were all worried but also didn't want to worry each other anymore than they already were.

I was dozing off when Michael broke our silence. "Do you think we'll need, you know, weapons?" None of us answered his question so he decided to explain instead. "I mean, just look at what they've done to Cal and we know they've had a gun before."

Thinking about it, it was probably better if we did have weapons but it wasn't like I had a random gun sitting around my house.

i caught Mikey's eye and nodded before getting up to search my house, starting in the kitchen. The least I could do was find a sharp knife. I heard Luke telling the other two that they may as well search as well.

"Regroup in an hour in the living room!" I shouted out, knowing I had to before one of them did something like disappear to the bottom of my garden.

I was already sitting in the living room, the first to have decided that I probably wasn't going to find anything else when Calum walked in. He placed an umbrella down next to my knife and old baseball bat.

"An umbrella? Are you kidding me?" Calum glared at my question and simply pointed at his face which was now purple and black from the bruising. The swelling had gone down a little but I knew full well that it was still hurting.

Michael and Luke came back together, both of their hands full of things I wondered why they would even need. They dropped nails, a hammer, darts, an axe and a saw down onto my carpet and I waited for them to explain.

"The only thing that's mine is the darts." Luke scratched the back of his head, embarrassed after he noticed that we at least had something that you could hit hard with.

"So I was going to saw some the axe handle off and hammer some nails into but I think it would be better to hammer them into the bat... I still want to saw the axe though because I tried swinging it and nearly cut my own leg off."

Me and Calum snorted at the idea of Michael doing something so stupid then burst out laughing that we had done the same thing. Luke had a smile on his face but I doubt he could ever laugh at someone else's pain. That's why me and Calum enjoyed jackass and he didn't.

"So... who wants to hammer?" I leant and picked up the hammer, turning it around in my hands before looking up. Luke and Calum were both shaking their heads, looking at the hammer in my hands in fear.

"Me and you then." Michael shrugged as he spoke, picking up the nails and the bat. "I suggest we do this outside." I nodded, standing up with him. Before we left, I turned to the other two.

"You guys decide how we're taking those with us," I signalled to the mismatched 'weapons' in front of them. "without anyone we see tonight knowing we have them." They nodded, straight away picking up something and testing them.

Michael and me were outside, walking towards the end of my garden where there was a small shed that probably had a few other tools. There was at least going to be something we could lean the bat on as we hammered them into it.

"Do you want to..." I tried to hold the hammer out to Michael but he shook his head, propping the bat onto a wooden panel.

"Fuck that man, you can do it yourself." I sighed, knowing it was going to be down to me.

I also know this could help us at least once, even if it gets stuck it has the possibility of saving our lives.

Right now, that's all that mattered.


so i thinking of spiltting this into four? a prep from each of their p.o.vs and then the night..

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