four days and counting

737 53 5

stella - thursday

"I think we need to do it again." I just stared at Dylan as she suggested that. Was she trying to get us killed? "And I think we should do it monday."

"What and make the boys meet with their special Ding Dong Ditchers?" I scoffed, knowing it was stupid. There was no way we were going to convince four boys, who attacked me, that they should go meet with these mysterious friends without sounding suspicious.

"We don't need to do anything ourselves, silly." Dylan looked at me as if I was a younger sister and she was teaching me how to sneak out of the house. I had no idea what she was on about so stayed silent and rose an eyebrow. "One minute." she mumbled before opening my laptop and clicking away.

I leant over to see what she was doing, even though I knew that bugged her and watched as she clicked onto Skype.

"Do you even know how to work Skype?" I only ever used it to speak to family I didn't see often. Dylan didn't have a laptop, due to her mum's insufficient funds, and I knew she wasn't in contact with any other family anyway.

She ignored me as the program loaded. Typing in my password, which was the same for everything, she started to type in a skype name I didn't recognise.

"franthing1? Who the hell is that?" Again, Dylan ignored me and I huffed. She knew I hated it when she didn't answer my questions.

The call was quickly accepted and a girl popped up on screen, her back to us. "Stella! Why are you calling me? Didn't know we were friends." She turned and wave and my mouth hung open to see the girl twin that sat at our table. Her name was fran?

"Dylan too? My, what a surprise. What can I do for you two?" Dylan smiled at her and waved, shocking me further.

"We need your place to be Ding Dong Ditched so tomorrow at lunch ask a lot of questions." Fran nodded and Dylan snapped my laptop closed. My mouth was still wide open as Dylan turned to look at me. "Mission accomplished."

I spluttered, trying to find the right words to say. "But she... she doesn't know... know anything?" Dyl laughed at this and I pouted, obviously not catching on.

"She definitely listened in when we talked about them knowing the Ding Dong Ditchers. I saw her do that whole lean over but turn away thing." Knowing how much the twins liked to know things, that made sense to me and my initial shock started to wear off.

"How are we going to make it monday though?"

"That's where you come in!" Dyl clapped her hands and started to tell me everything I was suppose to do. I questioned a lot of it but figured it would work. Dylan was clever and I trusted her.


Although she was my best friend, I was kind of glad when Dyl left after dinner with my parents. She hadn't stopped talking due to her excitement and my ears honestly felt like they were going to fall off.

After changing into more comfortable clothes and brushing me teeth, I happily flopped down onto my bed with a sigh. I wanted to stay up and think about what was going on or maybe go on tumblr and not think at all but I knew, with the next few days we had planned, I was going to need my sleep.



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