ten days and counting

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ashton - friday

Our plan was simple: stay away. We knew we couldn't keep it up forever but we guessed two days of seperation between us the the meddling duo would get rid of some tension.

Feeling bad, we had also successfully sneaked Dylan's journal back into her locker. Though Michael did tear out any pages linking us to the Ding Dong Ditchers. She was heavily adamant on us knowing who they were and, if we tried hard to look for positives in this whole situation, we were glad she didn't suspect as being them.

We didn't want to seem suspicious so yesterday we didn't target the girl who asked to many questions and instead went after the twins. They had invited the annoying girl to the table and made for the awkward shouting Dylan had done.

Stella's words were still sticking with me and I couldn't get rid of the picture of anger on her face. She cared a lot for Dylan and it made me feel terrible about what we had done. I guess that's why I grinned so much when I saw them back to normal the next day.

Neither looked tired or worried as they stood at Stella's locker, only a few down from mine, and they were back to smiling and laughing about whatever they found amusing. It shocked me how much I had really noticed about them as a pair before this whole suspicion Dylan had.

Opening my own locker, my smile dropped from my face as another envelope flew out at me like a ghost haunting me. Panicking, I picked it up and took a look around to see if anyone noticed what had happened. I wasn't sure I wanted anything spread about a 'secret admirer' because that's the opposite of what this was.

The only person's eyes I connected with were Stella's. When she noticed me looking, her eyes flicked to the envelope and she raised her eyebrow before speaking to Dylan. Dylan looked like she was about to turn but Stella's slender hand reached for her arm, stopping her.

I smiled, hoping she didn't think anything weird by it and pulled out my book for Chemistry. Not for the first time, I was annoyed that I was a year older than any of the boys and couldn't tell them about the envelope. I didn't want to open it alone.

The message was tucked into my book and no matter what I did, the corner always seemed to be sticking out and tormenting me. I couldn't take it anymore and as soon as the bell rang, I made my way to the caretaker's home to hide behind the hill. I didn't care for whatever I had next, I needed to be alone to open this damn note.

                                                     I really hope you're not fond

                                                     of your precious blonde.

My eyebrows furrowed as I thought of Luke, the only blond I was really close to. I placed the letter beside me and sent a quick text to Luke asking is he was okay. My eyes didn't leave my phone as I waited for his reply, worried.

I guess that's why I didn't notice when Stella had grabbed the note and sat herself where it was prior.

"So you're getting these too?" She read the note and nodded then placing it back into the envelope. "Bit weird, don't you think?" I couldn't speak but I nodded.

"Your phone is lighting up." She lay back, her blonde hair sprawling around her head. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding as I read Luke's reply. 

Neither of us spoke for a while. If she was getting these notes too then how come she looked so calm? Did they not worry her? Well, they wouldn't worry her so much considering it wasn't her that any of them seemed to be threatening.

"So what did the other one say?" I didn't know how to tell her someone had followed them to purposefully take a picture of them for us. 

"Just another stupid riddle." She nodded as if that was what she suspected. I kind of wish Dylan was questioning me instead because it was easier to tell what answer she wanted to hear.

"Do you have any idea who it is?" I shook my head but not in answer to her question. I was baffled by her aurora of calm.

"How the fudge are you sitting here so calmly when you're getting these notes?"

She proceeded to tell me that they weren't threating. How she had watched Pretty Little Liars and this was just some petty person trying to scare them. She didn't know how they knew what we did and how they were linking her to our crimes.

Her words still calmed me a little. The little hope I had that this was a joke flickered a little brighter as she spoke and I felt tempted to thank her - if that wasn't so weird. Instead, I let her leave. We didn't say bye but I felt the farewell in the air; she had finished whatever she wanted to say and that was that.

When she left, it was my time to lie in the grass. I was slightly more relaxed than before and the bell rung not too long after. I didn't realise how quick time had gone while she was with me.

Lunch came around fast, I was too busy thinking about the notes, Stella and the boys. I was thankful to see Luke standing in line and had to forcefully stop myself from skipping over to him and hugging him. The note messed me up a little more than I would have liked.

"Stella questioned me last lesson, it was weird." For a second, I kind of wondered if I was just hearing my own voice talking and mixing up time periods. "She was all like, nodding along and I couldn't tell what she wanted like we can with Dylan." Luke looked genuinly confused and I patted his back.

"She talked to me too, third. She saw a letter fall out of my locker."

"She saw mine when I opened it in class! Wait, we both got one?" I took the envelope out of my pcoket and handed it to him as he did the same. His wasn't in the envelope and all I had to do was turn it over.

                                                     tick tock goes the clock

                                                     are you ready for the aftershock?

The first question I thought of should probably have been the aftershock of what but I couldn't help but wonder if Luke was going to experience that aftershock, was the blonde threat really him?

My question was answered when a loud, girly scream ran through the caferteria through only a slightly open door. The door slammed close in the silence and there was one more scream that sent everyone into chaos running from the threat.

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