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stella - monday

"Do you have the umbrella?" I snorted at Dylan's question as she sat down into the passenger seat of my parents car and put the key into the ignition.

"It's in the back. It's not like we have anything else." I started the car, glad that I had asked my mum earlier if I could borrow it for the evening. She thought we were going to the cinema in the closest town. 

"Uh yeah, of course not." Dyl sounded scared and, if we weren't driving, I would have tried to comfort her. All I could do was give her a smile.

We honestly had no clue what time the boys were going to get there or what time the people that were sending the notes were going to be there but it was already eight and starting to get dark.

I could guess whatever was going to happen, wasn't happening in any of the light from the sun and watching it set as we pulled up at the twin's house made me nervous. It was like losing our last bit of hope.

Another car pulled up from the other side of the road and stopped a few houses down.

"It's Ashton and that. Go to them." Dylan's voice came out as a whisper, her eyes dead set on their car and I didn't want to reply using my normal voice in case I broke whatever was going on.

"I'll be back soon, Dyl." I undid my seatbelt and door without getting a reply from her but instead of worrying, I just shrugged my shoulders.

Making my way to their car, I couldn't help but keep my eyes peeled and look around. My hairs were standing on end and I felt like I had no clue when anything was going to happen. Honestly, it felt like they had the upper hand and all we could do was just stop whatever they wanted from happening.

The back door of their car opened and I caught Ashton's eye, who was attempting to smile at me. I forced a smile back before watching their mouths drop open in horror.

I stopped still, about to question what they saw but two arms wrapped themselves around me in a way that didn't allow me to move at all. The first thing I did was scream as I tried to wiggle myself free. I could see the boys car moving further away from me as I was carried backwards probably towards the twins house.

"Oh Stella darling, how lovely of you to join us." A man's words were the first thing I heard as I watched them close the front door of the house.

"It's not my choice." I spat out, still not having been turned around to see who I was even talking to. I could hear a few fidgits that didn't seem to fit with the collected man that was speaking and t made me think that there was probably more than three people in the room including me.

Gulping, I took a deep breath and tried to stop any frightened tears from falling.

"We are very sorry but it's not like you'd come on your own accord."

"I was outside very ready to come in here and kick your ass. Whatever the fuck this is, is unfair." I knew I sounded much angrier and braver than what I looked like but they couldn't see my face just now so I felt like I could be braver than I truly am.

"Stella, Stella, Stella, you would do well to shu -" There was a loud bang and a thud before I was also dropped to the floor. I landed on my ankle wrong and tried my hardest not to shout out as the pain shot through my leg. 

I turned slightly to my left to see a set of stairs and no one standing in the way.

"Stel run!" I heard Ashton's voice and dived for the stairs, scrambling up them as fast as I could, gritting my teeth each time I put pressure onto my bad foot. I chose a random room and slammed the door closed, sitting up against it.

Tears were streaming down my face as I listened to thuds and shouts downstairs. Pulling up my jeans, my ankle was already swelling up but I knew it wasn't broken or I wouldn't be able to wiggle my toes.

I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. I wasn't some girl in the books or movies that could just do everything she wanted and get herself out of the situation but, after I've let these tears out, I refuse to be the type of girl that messes up and needs to be saved.

There were bangs on the door and I frozed, a hand over my mouth, trying to stop the sobs.

"Stel, Stel it's just me!" I scrambled away from the door and propped myself against a metal grate.

"Come in." The door swung open and the first thing I noticed was the gun pointing straight at me.

This is it. This is how I die. 

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