seven days and counting

775 60 11

ashton - monday

Michael had Calum sitting on the hood of my car, pressing a makeshift ice pack - frozen peas from the gas station - to the right side of his face. 

"It hurts so much, man!" Cal hadn't stopped complaining since we drove away from her house.

Luke was wrapping a spare t-shirt around my knuckles, attempting a make-shift bandage to stop my split hands bleeding. I hissed when he put pressure onto the wounds but didn't say anything.

"I hope you know we fucked up big time there. You saw the note." Michael was angry, again. Overly annoyed at the note we had picked up as we tried to follow her outside of the house. We hadn't managed to find her and instead stopped off to tend to the wounds both me and Calum had gotten.

Luke was the one who came up to us and told us to follow him down the stairs, he didn't jump in like we did. It was obvious Michael wasn't going to do anything as he didn't seem to care even in the slightest.

The umbrella had hurt Calum greatly and smashing my hand against a door as I missed probably wasn't the best idea on my part.

We were going to have to head home and come up with a plan B.

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