Chapter 22

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**Lexxi's POV**

"Hi" I managed to choke out that simple word. He smiled at me. That cold wicked smile. "Let's talk." He grabbed my hand and lead me to a corner,ignoring my protests."How's my Lexxi been?" He asked as he grabbed my waist."Take your hands off of me!!!" I demanded as I tried to get away from him."Lexxi? Where are you?!" I could hear Harry and Niall calling my name.Luke must've heard too because he covered my mouth with his hand to stop me from responding. I fought to break free but he was stronger than before. Does anyone see me here struggling? "We can pick up right where we left off." He whispered as he slammed his lips on mine.I tried to scream but nothing came out.This is all too familiar. I can't breathe!!!! Help. All of a sudden Luke was yanked off of me and I fell to the ground gasping for air."WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" Zayn yelled, pissed as hell. Niall helped me up." this him?" Niall asked. I nodded and tears clouded my eyes. Niall's blue eyes were filled with anger and I watched him storm over to Luke. "I know what you did. NO ONE HURTS OUR LEXXI!" Niall screamed as he punched Luke with all his strength.Liam ran over to try and calm Niall down.Luke ran at him but was caught off guard as Louis and Zayn pushed him to the ground.Liam tried to stop the fight. "STOP IT! ALL OF YOU!" Liam was then shoved out of the way by Luke as he took a shot at Zayn's eye. He connected and then turned to Louis."Leave them alone!!!" Harry shouted as he jumped in between them and hit Luke. "LUKE! HARRY! STOP!!" Bex screamed as Luke and Harry went at each other. Bex was horrified, she hates seeing people hurt each other. She tried coming over to me but a crowd had gathered and she couldn't get through. The fight was getting more and more intense by the second and people in the crowd had out their phones and were taking pictures and videos. Liam walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me comfortingly."Lex it'll be ok I promise." He assured me as I cried on his shoulder. "Ok break it up!!!" A security guard yelled as he tried to pry Niall off of Luke. Zayn, Louis, and Harry stopped what they were doing and tried to calm their anger. Zayn had a black eye and Harry's lip was swollen and his normally voluminous curls were flat. Niall looked completely disheveled and he stood with a slight limp. A good portion of his face was purple and Bex pressed a ice pack to his cheek in an attempt to help. Louis however, was the least beat up out of all.Luke was leaned over on the ground. We locked eyes for a moment. His once beautiful hazel eyes were now almost swollen shut and filled with a mixture of anger and agony. I wondered if he felt the same numb pain I did that night. This was all too much."Liam, I gotta get out of here," I said as I turned to leave."Lexxi wait!" I heard a familiar British voice call after me. But I ignored it and ran out into the dark,cold night. Alone.

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