Riley was being driven in my Will. She letting him use his car since he has a long shift at Med, and Riley is willing to ask for a ride home after her work day. It had been a week since Riley went back to work, and about the same for Will with his injuries and all.
"Have a good day," Will said and kisses her on the lips.
Riley accepts the kiss as she placed her hand on his face as the two kissed. She goes to leave but he stops her with another kiss."I have to go, Halstead." She said.
"I know." He said, "Be safe."
She gets out of her own car and looks at him, "You too."
Riley watched Will drive off in her car. She stood there for a moment before walking into the district building. She was greeted by Trudy Platt.
"Enjoy your paid time off?" Sergeant Platt asks.
Riley walks to the desk and smirks, "Oh have I missed you, Platt."
"Sergeant," Platt clarified.
Riley smiles and shakes her head, "Well, it's good to see you."
"You doing okay?" She asks.
Riley nods, "Actually much better."
Trudy motions to Intelligence, "Well don't keep them waiting."
Riley nods and heads upstairs. She goes through the gate and hears Atwater and Ruzek having their banter, with Jay joining in here and there.
"Morning," Riley spoke.
Erin's eyes locked on Riley, "Riley." She stands up, "Good morning."
Riley noticed everyone's eyes on her. She had a smile on her face but faded when she noticed someone in Voight's office.
"Who- is that?" Riley asks.
The person seemed to be a man, but Riley wasn't sure who. Antonio came to sit on the side of his desk with a file in his hands looks at Riley before answering.
"I don't know," Antonio said, "Some lawyer defending a guy we locked up for wrongful charges."
Riley tilts her head, "Really? He has any prove?"
Alvin sat at his desk and leaned back in his chair, "If he was here, think he'd have prove?"
Riley thought about it for a moment and then watched Voight and the man shake hands, Voight opened the door to reveal Peter Wood was the lawyer. Riley wasn't sure if her mom mentioned her to him, she Riley quickly pulled out her laptop and began to look busy to hide her face from Peter.
Peter walked by and nodded at a few detectives. When he was completely gone, Riley slowly lowered her head.
"What was that about?" Adam asks.
Kevin shakes his head, "Please don't tell us you've dated that man."
Riley had a grossed out look on her face, "Ew, gross."
Riley shuts her laptop and placed it back in her bag. She stands up and looks at Voight, he motions for her to come into his office. Riley noticed Jay wasn't in, so she tossed her things on his desk and entered the office.
"Peter Wood," Voight started, "An interesting man. He mentioned how his wife just met her long lost daughter. Have an idea who that is?"
Riley shrugs and sits down, "No idea."
Voight shakes his head and sits down in his seat, "So look," He started, "I put in a request with the department and since you've been out on the field a few times and had your share of action, you've been approved to carry a conceal."

Chicago PD: Secrets In The Past
FanfictionAfter losing Mouse to reenlist into the army, Sergeant Hank Voight realizes he needs a new tech expert for the Intelligence Unit. He had many people apply or be offered as good choices, but Hank Voight doesn't just trust anyone. Until an old friend...